June 2012 Blog Posts (22)


It seems that at times after a dispute is over we second-guess what we said or did. This expression – second-guess – implies that we have made a first guess and the further implication is that we are now wondering about and doubting the wisdom of our initial way of handling the situation. This suggests the time-worn truth that thinking before we speak and act helps to eliminate regrets and self-recrimination that typically accompany second-guessing. The idea about this week’s blog is more…


Added by Cinnie Noble on June 28, 2012 at 5:00am — No Comments

UC Merced Appoints First Campus Ombuds

The newest University of California campus has announced the appointment of Deidre “De” Acker as its first Campus Ombudsperson, effective July 16, 2012. Chancellor Dorothy Leland made the announcement earlier this week. Leland said that the new Ombuds “will actively engage students, faculty, staff and university constituents in dialog, negotiation and problem-solving to ensure that members of our campus community receive fair and equitable treatment.”

Acker has served as assistant…


Added by Tom A. Kosakowski on June 27, 2012 at 11:00am — No Comments

What's Happening [06.26.12]

Cinnie Noble- Welcome to this month's virtual book club! Over the month, my co-facilitator Tammy Lenski and I will be posting questions about the book and topic of conflict management coaching and we invite you…


Added by ADRhub.com - Creighton NCR on June 25, 2012 at 9:30am — No Comments


When we expect that an interaction is likely to be contentious, the chances are that many of us get the jitters.  We worry about what the other person may say or do, how we will cope, whether things will get out of hand and other possible reactions. Often the reasons for these jitters do not have a basis in reality. However, previous experiences, others’ narratives about what has happened to them in like circumstances and a wide range of fears may preoccupy us and lead us to feel unsettled,…


Added by Cinnie Noble on June 21, 2012 at 5:00am — 2 Comments

The Magic of Mediation or How Theory is disconnected from Practice

(Originally published by the Institute for the Study of Conflict Transformation on June 20, 2012 under the title, Letting Clients Take Responsibility)

Recently, I mediated with a young couple where neither of the two had completed high school. As a transformative practitioner, I tried to ensure that I supported, rather than…


Added by Arnold Zeman on June 20, 2012 at 1:47pm — No Comments

Those Magical Mediation Moments Aren't Really Magic!

In this post guest blogger, Arnold Zeman, tells a story of two mediation clients who shifted toward working together much more effectively.  Arnold says it wasn't magic.  

Added by ISCT by Dan Simon on June 19, 2012 at 11:18pm — No Comments

What's Happening [06.19.12]

Cinnie Noble- Welcome to this month's virtual book club! Over the month, my…


Added by ADRhub.com - Creighton NCR on June 18, 2012 at 5:00pm — No Comments

The "Secret Sauce" of Mediation and Grief Counseling: A Different Eye

Originally posted at www.mediationbytes.wordpress.com

I recently attended a session entitled "What Mediators Can Learn from the Brain Science of Grief Counseling" at the Northwest Dispute Resolution Conference in Seattle. I was interested that the lecturer, Professor John Medina, a molecular biologist fed up with current…


Added by Karin Hobbs on June 18, 2012 at 10:32am — No Comments

Good intentions and environmental tensions: Conflict management addresses The Green Question

As do all human activities, our attempts to respond to and engage with conflict have environmental impact. Any intervention – mediation, peacebuilding activities, training, workshops, and so forth – can be performed in different ways, some of which are inherently more environmentally adverse than others.

In a new article, entitled …


Added by Noam Ebner on June 18, 2012 at 10:30am — No Comments

Identity Can Be Lethal

Identity Can Be Lethal, Dr. Janice McRae 


Identity can be lethal.  It is a curious component of how we define our humanness.  In…


Added by Werner Institute Blog on June 18, 2012 at 2:27am — No Comments

Havard Law Case Study Focuses on Sexual Harassment Prevention Policies and Role of Ombuds

A recent Harvard Law Case Study features a scenario that will resonate with university ADR experts and practitioners.  In the case study, a University Ombuds is involved in an effort to update a sexual harassment policy.  Here's the summary:

Langdell University, in the state of Ames, is one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in the country. Since the late 1970’s Langdell University has had a single sexual harassment procedure for all of its undergraduate,…

Added by Tom A. Kosakowski on June 15, 2012 at 1:00pm — No Comments

The Werner Institute's Master Degree Program and Grauate Certificate Open House Archived Presentation

In this session, you will have the chance to learn more about Creighton's Online Master's Degree and Graduate Level Certificate in Negotiation and Dispute Resolution from faculty member Bryan Hanson and answer any questions that you may have about this degree program.

The Negotiation and Dispute Resolution program is offered through the prestigious Werner Institute for Negotiation and Conflict Resolution at Creighton University. Our degree is one-of-a-kind and recognized as a…


Added by James Corngold on June 14, 2012 at 2:52pm — No Comments


Sometimes we get into a cranky mood for no apparent reason.  Other times we get there because we have onerous things on our minds or we feel hurt by someone’s actions or words. Other times, obligations cause us stress and weigh us down. These and other types of happenings that occur in our daily lives will contribute to a state of mind and heart that can negatively affect us and those around us. In these sorts of moods, we may be more apt to pick fights or be more vulnerable and sensitive to…


Added by Cinnie Noble on June 14, 2012 at 5:00am — No Comments

Videos on Transformative Mediation!

In my latest blog entry, I list my favorite videos available online about transformative mediation. Follow this link to my latest blog entry.

Added by ISCT by Dan Simon on June 13, 2012 at 6:00pm — No Comments

What's Happening [06.12.12]

Cinnie Noble- Welcome to this month's virtual book club! Over the month, my co-facilitator Tammy Lenski and I will be posting questions about the book and topic of conflict management coaching and we invite you to post your own…


Added by ADRhub.com - Creighton NCR on June 11, 2012 at 8:43pm — No Comments

JAMS Foundation Awards More than $120,000 in Grants

JAMS Foundation Awards More than $120,000 in Grants


June 12, 2012


Irvine, Calif. – The nonprofit JAMS Foundation announced that it approved five new grants to organizations using innovative ways to promote and advance conflict prevention and dispute resolution. The foundation will distribute the money in the form of three Foundation Grants, which provide financial support up to $50,000 for ADR initiatives with national impact, and two Opportunity…


Added by Kevin Aschenbrenner on June 11, 2012 at 2:07pm — No Comments

ADRhub Podcast Series #32: Success as a Mediator

Episode #32

Success as a Mediator With Victoria Pynchon

Join host Jeff Thompson and mediator and author, Victoria Pynchon (Check out …


Added by ADRhub Podcast on June 10, 2012 at 8:26pm — No Comments


Lots of things happen during the course of a dispute that may raise an internal groan in us. It may be because we say something we immediately regret; we hear a truth we hate to face; we observe a look or attitude that is off-putting; we hear the other person’s perspective that is antithetical to our intent or that is hurtful, offensive and so on.

Whether we groan internally or externally it is helpful to listen to the sound of our groans and consider from where they are coming and…


Added by Cinnie Noble on June 7, 2012 at 5:00am — No Comments

Retired Federal Court Judge Hon. Theodore H. Katz (Ret.) Joins JAMS

Retired Federal Court Judge Hon. Theodore H. Katz (Ret.) Joins JAMS


June 6, 2012


New York – JAMS, the largest private provider of mediation and arbitration services worldwide, today announced the addition of Hon. Theodore H. Katz (Ret.) to its panel. Judge Katz will be based in the JAMS New York Resolution Center. He will serve as an arbitrator, mediator and special master in a variety of disputes including Business/Commercial, Class Action/Mass…


Added by Kevin Aschenbrenner on June 6, 2012 at 10:55am — No Comments

Is ADR a field?

Is ADR a field? Many of us may take the answer to this question for granted. But are we mediation-centric as we go through life? And what about ADR being “in the shadow of the law”? During the Keystone Conference in October 2010 the question of whether or not ADR is a field was discussed – first in form of a question and then in the form of two different answers. I thought those were good pointers for self-reflection…


First, Carrie Menkel-Meadow asks "Are We a…


Added by Andre Jackson on June 5, 2012 at 7:57pm — 1 Comment

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