Does ADR offer any training in emotional intelligence. It seems like a natural skill set that would aid in dispute resolution?
Added by Charles J. Wolfe on October 31, 2012 at 5:20pm — No Comments
Join us as two died-in-the-wool technology enthusiasts explore communication technology and conflict in our everyday lives. We'll think together about some of the core principles that promote constructive conflict resolution across the interwebs and share examples of communication…
ContinueAdded by Patricia M Porter on October 30, 2012 at 10:09pm — No Comments
The Texas Conflict Coach® Blog Talk Radio show announces the following shows starting
in the month of November, held every Tuesday night from 7:00-7:30 pm CST/8:00-8:30 pm EST.
To participate, either go to the designated link for each show or call-in
live at 347-324-3591.
November 6th : Nipped in the Bud-Not in the Butt
Guest: Debra…
ContinueAdded by Patricia M Porter on October 29, 2012 at 11:25am — No Comments
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
We have the pleasure to invite you to participate to the…
Added by Ana Maria Maia Gonçalves on October 29, 2012 at 12:24am — No Comments
In this blog entry, I make my argument that mediation, as most often conducted in litigated cases, is far less helpful to the disputants than it could be. I go so far as to suggest that what holds mediation back from its potential is the too-cozy relationship between mediators and the lawyers who refer them cases.
Added by ISCT by Dan Simon on October 28, 2012 at 8:30pm — No Comments
I was invited to join ADR by a colleague who suggested that my work in emotional intelligence might be of interest to people in this forum. If so I would appreciate hearing from anyone that would like to connect.
In the meantime if you are interested in me and my work, I suggest you look at my website and that you may have an interest in some of the work I do on my radio show which is featured on my own website and on the public…
ContinueAdded by Charles J. Wolfe on October 26, 2012 at 3:20pm — No Comments
Our perceptions of what actually occurred in a dispute are not all that reliable in the aftermath of hurtful interactions. Our emotional experiences of conflict have a huge impact on us and one of the results is that our perspective on what happened gets muddled and muddied. What we think is an absolute truth about the event and the exchange about it is often not the other person’s perception of the absolute truth. Essentially, facts can be easily distorted and we end up with our blind spots…
ContinueAdded by Cinnie Noble on October 25, 2012 at 5:00am — 2 Comments
The breakup of a marriage almost always involves some level of conflict between spouses, but the process of litigation during divorce ratchets that conflict up to a level…
ContinueAdded by Patricia M Porter on October 23, 2012 at 10:24pm — No Comments
Here's the full schedule of #CyberWeek2012 click here for more information.
ContinueAdded by - Creighton NCR on October 22, 2012 at 7:53am — No Comments
The State of Minnesota has fired warning shots across the bows of MOOCs such as Coursera and similiar courses, by notifying Coursera that offering its courses to Minnesota residents is illegal. The state's explanations of why it has acted this…
ContinueAdded by Noam Ebner on October 20, 2012 at 1:30am — 2 Comments
E-Mediation - state of the art, and future trends:
Added by Noam Ebner on October 19, 2012 at 10:21am — No Comments
Retired New York Supreme Court Justice Ariel E. Belen Joins JAMS
October 18, 2012
New York – JAMS, the largest private provider of mediation and arbitration services worldwide, today announced the addition of Hon. Ariel E. Belen (Ret.) to its panel. Justice Belen will be based in the JAMS New York Resolution Center. He will serve as an arbitrator, mediator and special master in a variety of disputes including Business/Commercial, Employment,…
ContinueAdded by Kevin Aschenbrenner on October 18, 2012 at 11:11am — No Comments
Sometimes during conflict we lose our confidence and composure. We may become plagued with self-doubt and feel we are not able to stand up for ourselves. We back down at these times and give in to the other person. We may regret doing so and admonish ourselves for lack of courage or ‘guts’. This and other self-limiting beliefs eat away at our self-esteem and we may feel all the more helpless and powerless.
More things may get in our way of standing up for ourselves, too. For instance,…
ContinueAdded by Cinnie Noble on October 18, 2012 at 5:00am — No Comments
Each year, community mediators help nearly a million people in conflicts all manner of vexing variation. From schoolyard bullying to co-worker conflicts, nuisance neighbors to deeply personal family fights, community mediation programs bring constructive conflict resolution services to the masses. They mediate, facilitate, coach, train, and much more. These programs and…
ContinueAdded by Patricia M Porter on October 16, 2012 at 10:41pm — No Comments
Added by - Creighton NCR on October 15, 2012 at 9:00pm — No Comments
Added by Werner Institute Blog on October 15, 2012 at 8:34pm — 4 Comments
Nonverbal communication, including body language, plays a crucial role curing conflict resolution situations including negotiations and mediation sessions. Because it occurs primarily subconsciously, people can dismiss it's importance.
Research has time and again proven the effect nonverbal communication can have during interactions with other people in a variety of…
ContinueAdded by Jeff Thompson on October 15, 2012 at 6:00pm — 1 Comment
Advocate Kazi M. Iqbal
Son of Kazi Md. Rafiqul Islam
Nurun Nahar Begum
Personal Details:
Date of Birth: 19th June 1966 Place of Birth: Chittagong,Bangladesh. Sex : Male
Civil Status : Married
Religion :Islam
Nationality :Bangladeshi (by birth)
Contract No : Mob-880 01199 705136
Permanent Address :
Kazi Bari,EastGomdandi,
Post Office:Iqbal Park,
Police Station: Boalkhali,…
Added by adv. kazi m. iqbal on October 15, 2012 at 12:05pm — No Comments
One way that some of us cope when we are in conflict is to criticize the other person for something he or she is saying or doing. Criticism takes many forms. For instance, it may be by being condescending, pointing out and putting down things we don’t approve of, finding fault when things don’t suit or fit our perspective, ignoring the person or demonstrating a dismissive attitude, being sarcastic about or correcting things the person says, and so on. Criticizing in these and other ways…
ContinueAdded by Cinnie Noble on October 11, 2012 at 5:00am — No Comments
Even if you think you know how much it costs to sue someone, do you really understand the full range of risks and costs? Join Stephen Kotev for part two of our conversation with attorney and mediator, Daniel…
ContinueAdded by Patricia M Porter on October 9, 2012 at 11:08pm — No Comments
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