ACR 12th Annual Conference - Call for Proposals October 9-11, 2013 | Minneapolis, MN

Association for Conflict Resolution 12th Annual Conference - Call for Proposals
October 9-11, 2013 | Minneapolis, MN

The Association for Conflict Resolution is now accepting proposals for its 13th Annual Conference. Join ACR and your fellow ADR practitioners and be a part of this comprehensive event on the theme "Making Peace Happen: New Normals". Click here to view the Agenda at a Glance for the conference. 

This Call for Proposals closes on Wednesday, December 12, 2012 at 5:00 PM EST. Only complete submissions will be given consideration. Each proposal is reviewed by multiple reviewers including reviewers in the relevant practice/interest area. Reviewers may recommend that similar proposals combine into one session. Final selections and inclusions to ensure overall conference quality are determined by the ACR Conference Committee. Presenters will be notified by email on whether the session is accepted or declined no later than January 30, 2013. 

Making Peace Happen: New Normals

Peace happens when family members work out a solution to a long-standing problem, when corporations find a way to co-exist in a competitive market and when international conflicts are resolved without bloodshed.  Peace happens when the news of the day highlights a non-adversarial approach taken to address a critical issue and when our leaders at all levels engage in civil discourse to arrive at just solutions. How do we, as conflict resolution practitioners, educators and researchers, support and facilitate these conversations and make peaceful conflict resolution the norm?

The conference theme – Making Peace Happen: New Normals – focuses on how we as a field provide ways, through mediation, facilitation, negotiation and other non-adversarial processes, to create new normals in which interactions between parties make peace happen. We ask you to share what you and your colleagues are doing to make peace happen between individuals, in businesses and institutions, within communities and throughout the world.

We challenge you to think creatively. Consider how a session you would propose might advance the thinking in one or more of the following areas:

* Making Peace Happen: How do you make peace happen in your practice, in your trainings, in your community, and in the world? How do we make peaceful conflict resolution the new normal?

*Share ideas and best practices. What approaches work well in your practice? What new insights do you have that would suggest a different action or direction? What best practices can be identified?

* Highlight innovations. What innovative practices are you employing? How do you effectively utilize current media and technologies in conflict engagement and resolution? What new collaborations are emerging in your area of work?

* Consider research areas that benefit the field. What are connections between theory and practice? What research findings and lessons for practitioners have benefited your work? How can researchers and practitioners work together to advance the field? 

* Explore similarities and possibilities for interaction across practice areas. What work illuminates the common ground or alliances among different practice areas of ACR? What information or methods can be shared to assist practitioners working in different contexts? How have you diversified your area of work?

For questions regarding this Call for Proposals contact Leah Retting at or 703-234-4082.

Click here for more information and to submit your proposal.


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