The month of April is "Crisis Negotiation Month" at  It is a collaboration between the ACR Crisis Negotiation Section and and it will bring you articles, tips, info graphics, and a webinar throughout the month.
Enjoy below the first week's articles:
Crisis or Hostage Negotiation: The Distinction Between Two Important Terms
From the FBI Bulletin:
...As time has passed since the NYPD’s Hostage Negotiation Team (HNT) was created, something noticeable has occurred in the realm of law enforcement hostage negotiation—the emergence of the word “crisis” being used and often replacing the term “hostage.” Reviewing academic literature, one will find the term “crisis negotiation” being commonly accepted while television and other media outlets still refer to “hostage” as the generalized term.
Read the article from the FBI Bulletin and also see a bigger version of the infographic [HERE]. 
What Do You Say After Hello?
How do you start a conversation with an armed and dangerous person who refuses to talk and whose only demand is that you go away?
Gary Noesner, retired Chief Negotiator of the FBI’s Hostage Negotiation Unit and author of the best-selling “Stalling for Time: My Life As An FBI Hostage Negotiator”, has worked through times like this from the moment he did his first hostage negotiation more than 30 years ago.
Read more from the Crisis Negotiator Blog [HERE]. 
Persuasion & Hostage Negotiation
From (an incredible website btw)

What Hostage Negotiators Know That Most Negotiators Get Wrong


In terms of basics, what do you think people can learn from hostage negotiating that they don’t learn in your typical negotiating class?

Chris Voss (retired FBI Negotiator):

business negotiations try to pretend that emotions don’t exist. What’s your best alternative to a negotiated agreement, or‘BATNA.’  That’s to try to be completely unemotional and rational, which is a fiction about negotiation. Human beings are incapable of being rational, regardless. There’s a lot of scientific evidence now that demonstrates that without emotions you actually can’t make a decision, because you make your decisions based on what you care about.

Read the full article [HERE].


Active Listening Techniques of Crisis Hostage Negotiators
...Therefore, active listening when used properly and effectively, displays professionalism, develops rapport, and builds trust. This transcends the world of mediators and hostage negotiators. While reviewing the skills below, one can easily see how when employed in your professional and social setting, it can contribute to you being a more effective communicator.

Below are the seven techniques of active listening that are taught by the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Crisis Negotiation Unit (FBI CNU) to their special agents and other law enforcement officials from around the world.

Read the full article [HERE]. 

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