Live Webinar: Internet Bar Organization's Micro-commerce Justice Initiatives - Tuesday, October 26th @ 7pm EST/4pm PST/11pm GMT

Internet Bar Organization's Micro-commerce Justice Initiatives - using law and technology to enable community based rule of law. Please hit play on the video player to view this presentation. You may also engage in further discussion in the following forum:

IBO Peacebuilding Projects from Bryan Hanson on Vimeo.

As Online Dispute Resolution gains currency and legitimacy as a viable and powerful tool in resolving marketplace disputes in the developed world, the question of its applicability and timeliness in the developing world arises.  While most marketplaces in the developing world stay offline and many communities function on gray or black markets because of the lack of efficient formal markets, opportunities exist to bring communities online to participate in the global marketplace first-hand, and to resolve disputes with the help of technology.  Ruha Devanesan and Jeffrey Aresty discuss in this webinar two projects of the Internet Bar Organization that attempt to do just this - one currently working in Haiti, and the other in Afghanistan, two of the most difficult places to do business in the world today.

Jeff Aresty is co-founder and president of the Internet Bar Organization (IBO), a non-profit organization that seeks to promote and shape the emerging online justice community by using technology and Rule of Law to promote human rights and alleviate poverty. IBO’s signature project, PeaceTones, is designed to empower artists in developing communities with the essential legal and technical tools to bring their art and music to online markets. IBO’s second project, Internet Silk Road, uses mobile phone technology to provide Afghans with an online
justice system to resolve land disputes and conduct e-commerce . 

Ruha Devanesan is Vice President and Executive Director of the Internet Bar Organization.  She heads both the Internet Silk Road and PeaceTones Initiatives of IBO and works with a team of passionate lawyers, researchers and artists to run the projects.  Ruha has a Bachelor's degree in Journalism and Political Science, and graduated from Boston University with a joint law degree and Masters in International Relations.  Her research focuses in undergraduate and graduate studies were ethnic conflict, international human rights law and international development.

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