The 29th Annual Conference of the Pennsylvania Council of Mediators will held in Harrisburg, PA - April 15-16, 2016. Its theme will be "Expanding Access to Mediation", with the following schedule.
>> Pre-Conference Training with Tricia Jones
>> Most Valuable Peacemaker Award to Kerry Voss Smith
>> Plenary on What Mediators Need to Know about ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act)
>> Choice of 8 morning and afternoon workshops
1 - Tower of Babble: Language & Communication in Multilingual Mediation, presented by David S. Willig
2 - Power and Invitation: Beyond Balancing Power, presented by Bernie Behrend
3 - Dealing with Ethical Dilemmas and Difficult Cases, presented by Deborah Gaber, Ed Blumstein, and Hon. Stephanie Klein (ret.)
4 - Initial Separate Meetings: A Technique to Enhance Settlements, presented by Zena D. Zumeta
5 - Using Online Mediation in Your Practice, presented by Giuseppe Leone and facilitated by Ellen Morfei
6 - Orphans’ Court Mediation, presented by Neil Hendershot and Hon. Jay Hoberg
7 - The Art of Framing Questions, presented by Cheryl Cutrona
8 - Bringing Your Presence to the Room: Emotional Intelligence in Mediation, presented by Allyshia Rheta and Drew Dycus
For more information and to view or print the conference brochure click here
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