What's Happening in Conflict Resolution" is a weekly round up of the all the ADR news, jobs, events and more. Check it out each week and view past versions [HERE].
This is the week of the Werner Institute’s 10th Anniversary!
Click here to learn more about the Werner Institute 10-year anniversary event
Conflict Engagement and ADR in the News
Somali-American Youth Leaders Program Teaches Conflict Resolution Techniques
By Samuel King (09/09/16. Fox9 news)
A program in Minneapolis aims to resolve conflicts among young people, one conversation at a time.
The week-long program called SALAM or Somali-American Leaders and Mediators, was held in conjunction with the nonprofit group Community Mediation and Restorative Services.
“We don’t have to tell the people what to do,” said Farah Farah, a student who took part in the program. “We can tell them how to find their own solutions to their own problems.”
To learn more about this exciting group, click here.
Lagos urges peaceful resolution of conflicts
By Josephine Adeyinka-Ahmed (09/13/16. Today. Photo of Adeniji Kazeem, included in article)
The Lagos State Government has urged residents to embrace mediation in resolving disputes to enhance peaceful coexistence in the state.
The government said mediation, as an alternative to dispute resolution, was a tool that could foster global peace among citizens of the world.
The Attorney-General and Commissioner for Justice, Adeniji Kazeem, spoke while commemorating the 2016 United Nations 2016 International Day of Peace, a statement said on Sunday.
Kazeem noted that everyone had a role to play in maintaining peace in their neighbourhood, adding that all segments of society had to work together for peace to reign.
Read more about Kazeem’s statement here.
By Jeff Glaze (09/12/16. Wisconsin State Journal)
Expanding the Community Restorative Court and creating alternatives to jail sentences should be priorities in efforts to reduce racial disparities in Dane County’s criminal justice system, a new report focused on diversion strategies concluded.
The report released Friday ahead of Tuesday’s Dane County Public Protection and Judiciary Committee meeting includes a handful of overarching recommendations that range from reducing the number of people jailed for missed court appearances to connecting people with mental illnesses to services.
Click here to learn more about how restorative justice can help people take responsibility for their actions while avoiding jail time.
Good Reads: Blogs, Books, and More!
By Dr Jamie Williamson (09/12/16. The Huffington Post. Photo from the article)
Conflict can lead to greater understanding. Conflict can clarify similarities, differences, and preferences. Conflict can help couples learn how to deal with future conflict. And, perhaps most importantly, conflict can make it clear where efforts to communicate can and should be strengthened.
Surprisingly, conflict can be good for your relationship even if you occasionally behave badly (but not abusively) during the conflict..... as long as you master the art of the true apology. Learn what constitutes a genuine apology here
Resolving Complex Environmental Disputes
By Lester Levy
This article discusses early cooperation between parties and insurers in resolving complex environmental disputes. It summarizes strategies that recently succeeded in a six-way dispute over the costs of investigating and remediating an extended plume of PCP groundwater contamination. It moved rapidly from a traditional lawsuit to a voluntary mediation process aimed at identifying the most economical and reliable remedial approach to cleaning up the contamination, and allocating the costs of doing so among all parties. Although the parties agreed to refrain from traditional court-mandated procedures, they retained the right to try the case if the cooperative process was unsuccessful in resolving all disputed issues. Ultimately the process was successful and the need for trial was eliminated. See more here
Time to call in the mediator
By HRD (09/12/16. HC Online)
Toxic workplaces are characterised by broken relationships, constant conflicts and disputes, bullying and harassment. They are places where the dysfunctional behaviour of those in the workplace is having a negative impact on the services or product that the organisation produces. It’s moved beyond a minor tiff between John and Sally and is now a systemic problem whereby customers aren’t being looked after, patients aren’t being cared for, roads aren’t being repaired or information isn’t being passed between security guards. Even more frightening, a toxic workplace knows no boundaries – it can seep in from the front line right up to the top.
How can things get so bad? Find out here (and learn some tips on the benefits of mediation for resolving workplace disputes).
Strategic Studies, Conflict Resolution and Transnational Conflict
By Oliver Ramsbotham (08/24/16. Oxford Research Group)
This paper offers an overall conceptual framework for the venture. What is the difference between strategic studies and conflict resolution? Why do strategic studies and conflict resolution both need to adapt in response to changing patterns of contemporary conflict? How can they mutually inform each other? And what are some of the wider implications for possible future collaborative work?
A few weeks old, but worth it! Read more here.
In the runup to symposium to be held at the University of Missouri on October 7: Moving Negotiation Theory from the Tower of Babel Toward a World of Mutual Understanding, Prof. Rishi Batra explains why the negotiation field needs to be familiar with Samuel Arbesman’s book, The Half Life of Facts: Why Everything We Know Has an Expiration Da....
I'm absolutely convinced. Read about it, here.
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