Many of us dread conflict. We wish we could all just get along.
Life, however, has other ideas for us. Everyone is here to be their true selves, have their own opinions, likes, dislikes, etc. How boring things would be if we all agreed on everything all the time. Where would our creativity be needed?
The exciting thing about conflict is that it forces us to expand into a greater creative expression of ourselves. Every time I have found the courage to call someone to task and have a discussion about our conflicting opinions, good things have happened. It doesn't mean I always get my way, but I do put myself in a position to express my opinion, speak my truth, and listen to their side. Then I have a CHOICE: find an agreement, or walk away from the relationship/situation. And, importantly, I feel good about myself, that I have made every effort to find a resolution...
Here are seven suggestions for conflict resolution:
1. Start with the points you all agree on. This sets a positive foundation of agreement to build upon.
2. Can you all agree that the outcome you want is for the highest good of everyone concerned?
3. Are you willing, if necessary, to set aside your personal interests for the highest good of everyone concerned?
Read more from the Huffington Post [HERE].
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