My first blog entry!

Before jumping into various ADR topics of interest, let me begin by introducing myself. My name is Eric Cissell, a Negotiation and Dispute Resolution graduate student of the Werner Institute at Creighton University and a full-time supplier management employee at one of the largest aerospace manufacturers in the world.

My education and career goals revolve around the study, development, and refinement of practical skills and techniques in negotiations, as well as emerging processes for dispute resolution. It is my goal to fluently apply negotiation and conflict resolution principles in transactional business-to-business, local community, and international concentrations, focusing on preventative and interactive conflict resolution strategies to enhance performance and achieve more desirable outcomes.

So, what stands between me and a graduate diploma?

A practicum designed to provide relevant field experience and further develop practical dispute resolution skills.

The platform for my practicum is ADRhub. By participating at the site, I will have the opportunity to engage non-members and members with a goal to enhance the overall experience at ADRhub. My work at the site will include an exploration, practical engagement, and reflection of ADR principles, trends, philosophies, and ideas.

At the end of the day, I’m happy to be a part of the ADRhub community and look forward to learning from all of you. So, with this, please continue to drop by and provide feedback.

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