How can ODR help the courts and improve access to justice? Conference invite

Dear members of the ADR community,

I would like to invite you to this year's Online Dispute Resolution Conference at the Peace Palace, The Hague on 23rd & 24th May, organized by HiiL Innovating Justice.

We will be welcoming Colin Rule, Ethan Katsh, Lord Justice Fulford, First Vice President of the ICC Judge Aluoch, Chief Justice Willy Mutunga and others to debate 'How can ODR help the courts and improve access to justice?' I'm sure many of you will have attended previous years and we wanted to personally invite you all to help contribute not only to the debate, but also to our trend report on the same topic which we will distribute to leading members of the judiciary and executive after the conference. Head to for more information or buy tickets here

I will be attending the conference and am currently living in the Netherlands, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me as I am more than willing to help and excited to welcome you.

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