Restorative Justice is Good Medicine for Youth Violence

Rose Gordon(2)zena Zumeta

Join Rose Gordon and Zena Zumeta as they talk about what Restorative Justice and other Restorative processes are, how they work, why Restorative Justice is an effective intervention with youth who have engaged in violence and its impact on youth recidivism.

Rose Gordon has been facilitating Restorative Justice for youth for over a decade. Less than 5% of the hundreds of youth she’s worked with committed other acts of delinquency. Rose has facilitated Restorative Approaches trainings in New Mexico and Thailand. She views Restorative Approaches as a way of building peaceful communities and an “inoculation” against violence. She’s currently the Program Coordinator for the Taos County Juvenile Justice Continuum.

Read Rose Gordon's Blogs:  Restorative Connections

Zena Zumeta, internationally known as both a mediator and trainer of mediators.  She is president of the  Mediation Training & Consultation Institute, Zena Zumeta Mediation Services, and The Collaborative Workplace in Ann Arbor, Michigan.  Zena is a lawyer and a former president of the Academy of Family Mediators.  She is the recipient of the Michigan Lifetime Achievement in Mediation Award; the National Education Association/Saturn Corporation Award for Union-Management Collaboration; the John Haynes Distinguished Mediator Award; and the Kumba Award from the National Conference on Minorities in ADR.

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