“The Texas Conflict Coach® Radio Blog Program” April Series

The Texas Conflict Coach® Blog Talk Radio program announces the following episodes starting

in the month of  April, held every Tuesday night from 5:00-5:30 pm PST/7:00-7:30 pm CST/8:00-8:30 pm EST.


"Starting with our April 8th program, you will learn about various aspects of Workplace Bullying & Harassment."


To participate, go to the designated link for each program or call-in live at 347-324-3591.


April 1st  :   Educating the Community for 5 Years and Counting!

                                   Founding Host:  Pattie Porter

                                   Hosts:  Zena Zumeta and Stephen Kotev


                                   Join Founding Host Pattie Porter and Hosts Zena Zumeta and Stephen Kotev as we

                                   celebrate and honor the many guests during our 200th Episode. This is our 5 year

                                   anniversary of The Texas Conflict Coach® and we invite you to call in, ask questions,

                                   give us feedback and share your favorite moment. We will also reflect and highlight key

                                   moments during our time together.




April 8th:   The Many Faces of Bullying

                                   Guests:  Kathi Elster and Katherine Crowley


                                   The term bullying is used often, in this show we will talk about the many faces that

                                   bullies use, it could be in the form of a alpha male/female, a mean boss or the power

                                   hungry bully.  We will explain the underneath motivation that causes bullying and

                                   how to take care of yourself when you are face to face with this kind of workplace





April 15th:  Everything you always wanted to know about workplace bullying but were afraid to ask

                                   Guest:  Dr. Loraleigh Keashly


                                   It seems bullying is everywhere.  In order to effectively address bullying, we need to

                                   ensure we have valid and reliable information.   In this program, we will put on our

                                   researcher hats and examine what we know empirically  about workplace bullying

                                   in terms of its prevalence, nature, antecedents, and consequences..




April 22nd:   Workplace Witnesses - How Bystanders Can Become Essential Allies in Tense Situations

                                     Guest:  Dr. Maureen A. Scully


                                     What does it take for active bystanders to speak up?  When they do so, they can

                                     often avert brewing conflict. Learn more about how people can become active

                                     bystanders through awareness and practice.



April 29th:   Conflict Avoidant Leaders: Symptoms and Support

                                     Guest:  Rachel Schaming


                                     What can you do when faced with a conflict avoidant leader?  Join us in a fast-paced

                                     discovery conversation of the avoidant personality symptoms as we explore how to

                                     work with and support them.  Walk away with insight and techniques to master this

                                     frustrating phenomenon in the workplace AND personal relationships.





Thank you for listening in and supporting the program...Pattie Porter, Host, The Texas Conflict Coach®



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