“The Texas Conflict Coach® Radio Blog Program” October Series

The Texas Conflict Coach® Blog Talk Radio program announces the following episodes starting

in the month of  October, held every Tuesday night from 7:00-7:30 pm CST/8:00-8:30 pm EST.


To participate, go to the designated link for each program or call-in live at 347-324-3591. 


October 1st :   When Business Departments Collide - Tools for Equitable Solutions

                       Guests:  Dawn Miller Sander and Nicole Perrotta

                       Guest Host:  Zena Zumeta


                        In the dynamics of organizations, there are times when divisions or departments or

                        specific people within these divisions/departments appear to have differing agendas.

                        These differing agendas can and most likely will create conflict between the divisions.




October 8 :   Conflict Management Tools for Work

                    Guest:  Kathi Elster and Katherine Crowley


                    Whether it’s a difficult co-worker, a demanding boss or an angry client, you can learn to

                    handle conflict at work effectively by managing your internal reactions first.




October 15th:    Trust 101 – How You Can Build Trust and Overcome Distrust

                        Guest John Settle

                        Guest Host:  Stephen Kotev


                        Trust is a key element of our personal and professional relationships. Without it

                        progress grinds to a halt and disagreements become rampant amongst friends,

                        coworkers, and leadership.



October 22nd:  Blinder than a Bat - What Organizations and Leaders Need to Do to Remove Their

                       Conflict Blind Spots

                       Guest:  Lee Jay Berman


                       As part of our Workplace Conflict series, Lee Jay Berman with the American Institute of

                       Mediation (AIM) will share his experience and expertise as an executive coach working

                       with organizations and senior leadership in managing conflict in a proactive way.




October 29th:   Co-Workers from Hell: Lessons from Conflict Coaching Experts

                        Guests:  Pattie Porter and Stephen Kotev         


                        Whether you are at the water cooler, in the hallway or stuck in a never- ending meeting,

                        we all have to deal with co-workers from hell.





Thank you for listening in and supporting the program...Pattie Porter, Host, The Texas Conflict Coach®

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