School Based Conflict Resolution New Internship Posting - The National School Climate Center

Featured Program: Quabbin Mediation Training Active Bystanders features Chico High School's Peer Mediation Club

More couples seeking kinder, gentler divorces Matthew J. Starman- According to the Associated Press, more and more couples are finding alternatives to adversarial divorces much more appealing. Many of this decision very cost effective. The firm, Boston Law Collaborative analyzed 199 most recent divorce cases to find that mediation was by far the most inexpensive route for couples. [Read More]

Yes, and: Core Concerns, Internal Mindfulness, and External Mindfulness for Emotional Balance, Lie Detection, and Successful Negotiation Jeff Thompson- I just finished reading a paper by Clark Freshman in the Nevada Law Journal. I suggest you give it a read as well as the other papers which also look interesting (SYMPOSIUM: MINDFULNESS, EMOTIONS, AND ETHICS IN LAW AND DISPUTE RESOLUTION) but I have yet to get a chance to read them.Below I have highlighted some sections which stood out for me: [Read More]

Hello? Are you listening? Jason Dykstra- From a very young age, we tell our children to listen. As we grow older and wiser, we are continually told to listen. While we all know what the word ‘listen’ means, how often do we actually stop and listen? In the past we have talked about listening (Are you listening with your whole body?) but I would like to focus on one part of active/deep listening. You ready? [Read More]
Join host Jeff Thompson and Lynsee Swisher, professional mediator and board member of the Dispute Resolution Center of Kitsap County(Washington).
They discuss current issues with community mediation centers including mediation becoming mandated in certain settings, training mediators on culture and gender as well as marketing and raising awareness of community mediation.
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