Is the Conflict Specialist a leader?
Ran Kuttner- Parallel to the emergence of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) as a field, in the last few decades there is a growing body of literature on “Leadership” as a separate field with a set of skills and traits that can be taught. This is not the only resemblance to the ADR field; themes advanced in leadership literature and trainings have a lot in common with those advanced in ADR:

1. The shift away from hierarchical structures
2. Globalization and the understanding of human interconnectedness,
3. Giving priority to communication and collaboration rather than placing the individual who pursues to advance his own understanding of the preferred outcomes.
4. The importance of collaborative problem-solving, the ability to suspend judgment and appreciate diverse views, the constructive role of conflict, teambuilding, consensus-building, etc.
5. The understanding of the leader and the conflict specialist as supporters, setting the conditions for others to thrive.

Leaders are encouraged to implement skills that are in many cases akin to those advanced by conflict specialists. Much has been written in the ADR literature on the intersection of management skills and conflict resolutions skills, exploring how the ideas and tools taught and implemented by the conflict specialist can assist managers in their work...
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NPR Job Posting Highlights Duties of News Ombuds Tom Kosakowski- National Public Radio is soliciting applications for the position of Ombudsman. This is one of the most high-profile News Ombuds in the U.S., and not the type of position for which there is often a public search. The job posting highlights the similarities and differences between Organizational Ombuds and News Ombuds.
POSITION DESCRIPTION:The primary role of NPR’s Ombudsman is to “explain NPR to the listeners and the listeners to NPR.” The Ombudsman investigates complaints and acts as an independent reporter between listeners and NPR. S/he is the arbiter of fairness, balance and accuracy in NPR’s news reporting.

Cops Called To Sto-Rox High School When Mediation Goes Bad Shouting, Pushing Breaks Out During Group Session With 12 Girls
STOWE TOWNSHIP, Pa. -- Police officers were called to Sto-Rox High School after reports of a large disturbance and a fight involving female students Tuesday morning.

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