Crossposting from Craig Zelizer's P&CDN:


The U.S. Institute of Peace introduces The Peacemaker's Toolkit, a new series of handbooks for practitioners and educators about the art of mediation available online for free! Each handbook focuses on a particular facet of the mediator's trade, distilling practical guidance from a wealth of experience and expertise. Slim enough to fit into a pocket but packed with ideas, options and examples, the handbooks lay out the key steps to success. Five handbooks have now been published, focusing on relevant subjects such as how to manage a mediation process, debrief mediators and manage public information during a mediation process. All are available online and in print -- and all are free.

Current Handbooks Include:

  • Managing a Mediation Process
    August 2008view-data-field-publication-date-value""> | Practitioner Tool by David R. Smock
    and Amy L. Smith Managing a Mediaiton Process is
    the first handbook of the Peacemaker’s Toolkit series. This handbook
    provides a methodology for mediating interstate and intrastate
    conflicts. Each of the six chapters covers a different step in the
    process, identifying what needs to be done at that step and how best to
    accomplish it. By consolidating the practical wisdom of managing a
    mediation process into an easily digestible format, Managing a
    Mediation Process
    is designed to help mediators identify areas where
    they may need more research or preparation, as well as develop options
    and strategies relevant to the particular case on which they are
    working. | a Mediation Process');"'>Download the handbook (PDF/856 KB) 
    • Access the Managing a Mediation Process Web Handbook
      The web version of Managing a Mediation Process
      allows readers not only to view and search the full text of the
      handbook but also to link instantly to more detailed resources, 
      including analyses, educational materials, tools, and news.
  • Book Cover 2Managing Public Information in a Mediation Process
    | Practitioner
    Tool by Ingrid A. Lehmann
    The second handbook of the Peacemaker’s Toolkit series, Managing
    Public Information in a Mediation Process
    helps mediators identify
    and develop the resources and strategies they need to reach these
    audiences. It highlights essential information taks and functions,
    discusses key challenges and opportunities, and provides expert guidance
    on effective approaches. Examples from past mediations illustrate how
    various strategies have played out in practice. 
    the Handbook
    (PDF/1.31 MB)

  • Integrating Internal Displacement in Peace Processes and Agreements Internal <br / Displacement Handbook cover. (Image: U.S. Institute of Peace)" vspace="5" width="87" align="right" border="1" height="132" hspace="5"">
    | Practitioner
    Tool by Gerard McHugh
    Leading experts on mediation and the plight of internally displaced
    persons (IDPs) collaborated to produce this handbook, which gives
    mediators the tools they need to incorporate IDPs' concerns into peace
    processes and agreements. Achieving such integration will not only
    safeguard the rights and interests of IDPs as stakeholders in a peace
    process but will also help mediators reach a negotiated and lasting
    settlement for all the parties involved in a conflict.
    the Handbook
    (PDF/2.03 MB)


  • Debreifing Mediators to Learn from Their ExperiencesPMT Debriefing Mediators Handbook Cover
    | Practitioner
    Tool by Simon J. A. Mason and Matthias Siegfried
    This handbook examines interviews conducted with mediators to learn
    lessons about their mediation “method.” These methodological debriefings
    are typically conducted by individuals who have not been directly
    involved in the mediator’s work but who want to learn the mediator’s
    perspective on what was done and why it was done. This handbook enhances
    the practice of mediation by showing how lessons from individual
    mediators can be identified and made available both to their
    organizations and to a wider practitioner audience. It also gives
    guidance to staff debriefing  mediators who are or have been directly
    involved in peace negotiations. | Download
    the Handbook
    (PDF/1.54 MB)
  • Timing Mediation InitiativesTiming <br / Mediation Handbook cover. (Image: U.S. Institute of Peace)" vspace="5" width="87" align="right" border="1" height="132" hspace="5"">
    | Practitioner Tool
    by I. William Zartman and Alvaro de Soto

    A mediation initiative cannot be launched at just any time if it is to succeed. The conflict must be ripe for the initiation of negotiation. Parties resolve their  conflict only when forced to do so-when each
    party’s efforts to achieve a unilaterally satisfactory result are
    blocked and the parties feel trapped in an  uncomfortable and costly
    predicament. This toolkit lays out five steps mediators can take to
    assess whether a stalemate exists; interpret the parties’ perception of
    where they stand in the conflict; and encourage a ripe moment for
    mediation. | Download
    the Handbook
    (PDF/1.28 MB)

The series is being designed for experienced mediation practitioners and negotiators, but will be a valuable resource for students and policymakers. Future handbooks include: Negotiating with Terrorists,
Dealing with the Impact of an International Tribunal on a Peace
; and Coordinating Track I and II Efforts.

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