Hello everyone.  For Week Two's question I decided to offer two questions again.  However, for this week, as well as for the remaining weeks, one of the questions will be submitted by someone other than me.  

This way, you have the option of answering my question, someone else's, or as usual, you can share you own comments unrelated to the questions.

I look forward to the responses.


Question 1 (submitted by Lynsee Swisher):

The Stickiness Factor

What makes a product or concept stick? Gladwell states that although the messenger matters: messengers are what make something spread....but the content of the message matters too (92). There is a level of quality that needs to be considered. In the example of Hush Puppy shoes, if these were poorly made shoes, would the product spread "stick".

Although, stickiness sounds easy enough, there are multiple dimensions to this concept. Looking at the ADR field, is there a "stickiness" quality? Is there a level of quality in the message being sent that makes it "stick" with others? If so, what are some key elements that you think make ADR stick. If not, give some reasons to why what keeps the field from having "stickiness".


Question 2:

Influence and the Environment

Gladwell mentions how we are influenced by our peers and community (more than our family) and also how the environment has significant influence over our actions.  These influences develop our character, as described by Gladwell (163): ...is more like a bundle of habits and tendencies and interests, loosely bound together and dependent, at certain times, on circumstances and context.

He adds: The reason that most of us seem to have consistent character is that most of us are really good at controlling our environment.

Based on this, from our experiences as conflict professionals, we often see reoccuring reasons and actions taken by those involved in conflict and disputes.  

How do you, in your particular role, help people involved in conflict and disputes by framing words, the history, values, interests and other contributing factors to the conflict/dispute in manner so they are beneficial and create a mindset of understanding and potential resolution? Feel free to refer elaborate on Leda Cosmides comments from page 160! :)

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