All Blog Posts Tagged 'Coach' (235)

Identifying Campus Bullies By Empowering The Bystander

Tim Porter mia

Appddiction Studio’s Stop Bullies district wide smartphone app empowers bystanders to capture bully events as they occur and report them to school administrators in real time. School administrators can then begin to investigate…


Added by Patricia M Porter on December 10, 2013 at 9:19pm — No Comments

Voices for Heroes - Love and Support for Newtown, Connecticut

denise evan

On December 14, 2012, the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary school where 26 people lost their lives shook the Connecticut community to its core and the news spread around the world. What do you do to help in these times of pain, angst and profound loss? Denise Labrecque and her friend…


Added by Patricia M Porter on November 26, 2013 at 11:30pm — No Comments

Surviving Holiday Travel

Ja'Vonne Harley ZenaZumeta2-200x300

The holidays are a wonderful time to be with family but the stress of getting there can wreak havoc on an otherwise joyous occasion. Following my mottos of"Know before you go" and "Plan and Prepare" you can start the holidays off on the right path. Ja'Vonne…


Added by Patricia M Porter on November 12, 2013 at 9:45pm — No Comments

Handling the Holidays Before They Handle You

Dr. Patricia E. Adams

In this session, Dr. Patricia Adams will highlight the importance of preparing for the holiday season to save yourself from the amount of stress that can creep in with the season. By following the simple steps of Planning Early, Exercising Regularly, Accepting Help, Creating a New Tradition, and Enjoying Today, you can erase the stress and headache that can…


Added by Patricia M Porter on November 5, 2013 at 11:51pm — No Comments

Co-Workers from Hell: Lessons from Conflict Coaching Experts

Pattie-fade.jpg (smaller) StephenKotev2

Whether you are at the water cooler, in the hallway or stuck in a never- ending meeting, we all have to deal with co-workers from hell. Join Pattie Porter and Stephen Kotev to learn lessons from conflict coaching experts on how to…


Added by Patricia M Porter on October 29, 2013 at 11:12pm — No Comments

Blinder than a Bat - What Organizations and Leaders Need to Do to Remove Their Conflict Blind Spots

Lee Jay Berman

As part of our Workplace Conflict series, Lee Jay Berman with the American Institute of Mediation (AIM) will share his experience and expertise as an executive coach working with organizations and senior leadership in managing conflict in a proactive way. Typically, organizations and leaders have blind spots when it comes to understanding, recognizing and managing…


Added by Patricia M Porter on October 23, 2013 at 7:57am — No Comments

Trust 101 – How You Can Build Trust and Overcome Distrust

John Settle StephenKotev2

Trust is a key element of our personal and professional relationships. Without it progress grinds to a halt and disagreements become rampant amongst friends, coworkers, and leadership. No matter if you are the newest hire or the CEO; you need to understand what trust is and how it…


Added by Patricia M Porter on October 15, 2013 at 10:35pm — No Comments

Conflict Management Tools for Work

jacket shot 2026

Whether it’s a difficult co-worker, a demanding boss or an angry client, you can learn to handle conflict at work effectively by managing your internal reactions first. Kathi Elster and Katherine Crowley show us how to cool down, then find the words to move a potentially hazardous work situation forward in a constructive manner. Join Kathi, Katherine and Pattie Porter for a…


Added by Patricia M Porter on October 9, 2013 at 12:31am — No Comments

Got Conflict around Eldercare and Estate Issues? Here's a Guide for Resolution!

Arline Kardasis ZenaZumeta2-200x300

Arline Kardasis, mediator, trainer and co-author of Mom Always liked You Best, will discuss this guide for resolving family feuds, inheritance…


Added by Patricia M Porter on September 18, 2013 at 9:18am — No Comments

To Arbitrate and Split the Baby Or To Mediate in the Hot Tub?

Dan Dozier StephenKotev2

Have you always wondered what the difference between arbitration and mediation is? Listen in as attorney, mediator and arbitrator, Daniel Preston Dozier, discusses the fact and fiction of arbitration. You’ll learn the pros and cons of arbitration and how mediation…


Added by Patricia M Porter on September 10, 2013 at 10:14pm — No Comments

“21st Century Disputes. Caveman Brains. How do we bridge the gap?”

Portrait-Geoff Drucker

You’ve seen it before, and you’ll see it again:

• Someone digs in his heels and adamantly refuses to admit he’s wrong, even though the evidence is clearly against him.

• Someone devotes far more resources to trying to defeat someone than she can possibly recover, even if she wins.

• Someone gets into a heated disagreement with a relative or co-worker about how to address a…


Added by Patricia M Porter on September 3, 2013 at 9:42pm — No Comments

Helping Children to be Safe -- Programs of the National Crime Prevention Council

Marcia Ellis Zena-1

National Crime Prevention Council has developed several initiatives to educate children and adults to help them be safe from crime. The McGruff Club curriculum for children ages six to ten…


Added by Patricia M Porter on August 27, 2013 at 10:24pm — No Comments

Twenty Twinkling Stars: Celebrating The Lives of Children

laurieportrait LenaWarnke

How can we use words and voice as tools for a more peaceful world? Laurie Schloff, communication coach, author of Smart Speaking, a book called "the best book ever written about speaking" will discuss the top five techniques for communicating in a peaceful,…


Added by Patricia M Porter on August 20, 2013 at 11:19pm — No Comments

Truancy Mediation- What You Should Know

Michelle Zaremba Trisha Werts

Learn about truancy and how mediation can be a valuable process for students, parents, and schools. You will learn about typical cases referred to our juvenile truancy mediation program and possible outcomes. We will discuss the benefits of truancy mediation as well as take away…


Added by Patricia M Porter on August 14, 2013 at 12:36am — No Comments

Building a Culture of Empathy in the Business World and Beyond

Keiko Krahnke Edwin Rutsch


In our final episode of the series Conflict and Empathy: Where Has Empathy and Compassion Gone? Keiko Krahnke from the University of Colorado will join me and Edwin Rutsch, Center for Building a Culture of…


Added by Patricia M Porter on June 25, 2013 at 10:48pm — No Comments

Nurturing a Culture of Empathy in the Family

Edwin Rutsch

In our third episode of the series Conflict and Empathy: Where Has Empathy and Compassion Gone? Edwin Rutsch, Center for Building a Culture of Empathy and I will discuss how do we foster empathy in a family? Edwin will share some personal stories of how he has personally fostered empathy in his extended family and how he used…


Added by Patricia M Porter on June 18, 2013 at 10:03pm — No Comments

Empathy - How Do We Build It?

Edwin Rutsch

In our second episode of the series Conflict and Empathy: Where Has Empathy and Compassion Gone?, Edwin Rutsch and I will discuss how do we build empathy and compassion? Edwin will discuss a number of strategies he has implemented at the Center for Building a Culture of Empathy. One strategy has been the use of Empathy Circles…


Added by Patricia M Porter on June 11, 2013 at 11:23pm — No Comments

Empathy - What Does Empathy Got to Do With It?

Edwin Rutsch

For many of us engaged in conflict or embroiled in a dispute, it can be very difficult to muster up empathy and compassion for the other side. The longer the conflict goes unresolved it seems the less empathy we have for them as a human being. In this first of our four episode series--Conflict and Empathy: Where Has Empathy and Compassion Gone?-- we will introduce the “wheel…


Added by Patricia M Porter on June 4, 2013 at 10:34pm — No Comments

Multi-Generational Family Business - A Guide to Successful Succession

Mary Whiteside Rick Segal

Family businesses are unique and complex differing in many ways from non-family businesses. For those family businesses preparing for the next generation to transition and succeed, they need to expect all kinds of issues to arise that can cause conflict. Family members have questions…


Added by Patricia M Porter on May 28, 2013 at 10:38pm — No Comments

Does Domestic Abuse Prevent Parties From Mediating?

Christy Cumberlander ZenaZumeta2 There has been much said regarding the ability of parties to mediate in cases where there has been domestic abuse. While no one believes abuse is an issue that can be mediated, the parties may have issues that can be resolved through mediation. Our program will discuss issues…


Added by Patricia M Porter on May 22, 2013 at 12:02pm — No Comments

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