Pattie Porter thinks about conflict resolution every day, just like I do.

I enjoyed reading her second Minibük, “Stop Avoiding Conflict“on the plane a few weeks ago.

Here are Pattie’s “10 ways to deal with conflict” to reflect on and incorporate into our lives:

  • Accept conflict as part of every day life –conflict is everywhere and can be a source of opportunity for greater insight, understanding and change
  • Recognize the early signs of conflict – observe and listen for those little things in yourself and others that mean conflict is brewing below
  • Address conflict before it escalates – like fixing a roof before it rains, addressing a conflict before it is full blown can help to save a relationship or avoid unnecessary damage
  • Know you have choices on how to respond to conflict – replace reactions like shutting down or walking away with staying and listening
  • Show emotion – it’s OK to  show empathy, caring, compassion and concern and even an appropriate amount of negative emotion
  • Breathe – taking some deep and purposeful breaths can help you to sort out your thoughts and think more clearly during a conflict
  • Check your assumptions – everything is not always as it appears – reflect and review before jumping to conclusions
  • Communicate one unmet need every week– unmet needs add up so express them in a simple and direct way to your family, work colleagues, others
  • Listen… then restate – try not to be the first person to speak in a conflict – that way you can listen to the other person’s concerns first and make sure you understand them before you react.
  • Work with a feedback partner – identify someone you trust who will be honest with you to give you feedback about your reactions in conflict – there is always more to learn

Me? I’m going to work on the one highlighted in red:)


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