Hello members of ADRhub, and others who have wondered their way onto to this Blog.

I wanted to take the opportunity to introduce myself and talk about a few things. My name is Matt Starman and I am a soon-to-be graduate of the Werner Institute at Creighton University. Part of practicum entails that I contribute to this site on a regular basis. It is my hope that my blogs and posts are entertaining and at the very least thought provoking. This is my first blog, not just on this site but on any site. If anyone has tips I will gladly accept any that are thrown my way.

And now a little bit about myself...
I work for Fastenal as an outside salesman selling industrial supplies
I love music, and was in a band for about 5 years before we broke up (by broke up I mean got real jobs and graduated college, sorta like the summer of 69)
I have been married for a little more than two years to my high school sweet heart who teaches high school seniors, even though she is often

Many of the life examples I bring into my blogs will undoubtedly come from one of these three arenas. Hopefully, as my experience in conflict resolution grows, I will be able to bring in much more than that.

And with this, I begin my blogging career. Stay tuned for much more interesting and exciting posts!


Views: 55

Comment by Jason Dykstra on September 23, 2010 at 9:43pm
Welcome Matt, I hope you find this site insightful and that you learn lots here! It is a great place to learn lots about the mediation field!


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