Getting to Yes Exercise: A Trisolan Map

Once you have finished reading the assigned material from Getting to Yes, conduct the 'A Trisolan Map' exercise.

This exercise is designed to help you make the jump from understanding the innovative method you have learned to actually applying it - before you engage in negotiation simulations or in any real-life negotiations you have going on in your life right now.

This exercise has the benefits of being ungraded, and a solo activity (as opposed to the simulation in which you will work with a classmate-counterpart).  You will find yourself playing the role of a fictional character in a fictional world - having to make negotiation decisions that may seem very real. The point of the exercise is not to apply your own/old negotiation habits, savvy, or experience. Your job, as the negotiator in the scenario, is to analyze each situation you confront through the lens of the Getting to Yes model, and to choose the path that is most in line with the Getting to Yes approach. At the end of the exercise, you will be presented with feedback which relates your actions to specific elements in Getting to Yes.

Click here to begin the exercise

Once you have completed the exercise, please click here to complete a short survey asking for your feedback on the exercise as a learning tool. 

 [One already-known bug: The program sometimes asks 'Would you like to resume where you left off?,' whether or not you have conducted the exercise or not. Always answer 'no'. We're still hunting the cause for that one down. ]


A Trisolan Map was designed by Mat Beecher and Noam Ebner, supported by a Teaching and Learning with Technology grant from Creighton University.

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