Webinar: ODR Ethics and Standards: What Do They Mean to Our Practices?

Webinar: ODR Ethics and Standards: What Do They Mean to Our Practices?

Thursday, June 9, 2022 @ 11am-12:30pm EST

An international panel moderated by Leah Wing & Daniel Rainey


Jointly sponsored by

The National Center for Technology and Dispute Resolution


The International Council for Online Dispute Resolution



The National Center for Technology and Dispute Resolution, birthplace of ODR, issued a first set of ODR Standards that it has revised in 2022 jointly with the International Council for Online Dispute Resolution (ICODR). This international panel will discuss the relevance and implications for employing ODR ethical standards in light of the new risks that ODR raises and ways it can compound on-going ethical concerns for ADR and courts (e.g.: data security, confidentiality, power imbalances, and AI-enhanced and repeat player biases). Panelists will discuss the role of ODR standards in the ethical and accountable delivery of ODR across a wide spectrum of jurisdictions, sectors, and types of practice.

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