Roger Fisherco-founder of the Program on Negotiation and the Harvard Negotiatio..., died on August 25 at age 90. A true pioneer and leader, he helped launch a new way of thinking about negotiation, and he worked tirelessly to help people deal productively with conflict.
“Through his writing and teaching, Roger Fisher’s seminal contributions literally changed the way millions of people around the world approach negotiation and dispute resolution,” commented Professor Robert H. Mnookin, Chair of the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School.“He taught that conflict is not simply a ‘zero-sum’ game in which a fixed pie is divided through haggling or threats. Instead, he showed how by exploring underlying interests and being imaginative, parties could often expand the pie and create value. Here at the Program on Negotiation and the Harvard Negotiation Project, both of whichRoger helped launch, we, his colleagues, are committed to carrying on his work of improving the theory and practice of negotiation and dispute resolution.” MORE


First Impressions: The Mediator's Opening Statement – Which Words T...

Giuseppe Leone- If it is true that first impressions are so important, it is also true that each word chosen by the mediator during the opening statement – to explain the purpose of mediation, his or her role, and how mediation works – may have a lasting (positive or negative) impact on the parties. As a result, depending of whether the parties like or dislike what they just heard by the mediator in the first 5 minutes, their mediation is likely to start off on the right or wrong foot.

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Call for book chapters (ODR-related)

Hi all - See this  call for chapters published by Sam Edwards, longtime Cyberweek participant, for his book on"Revolutionizing the Interaction Between State and Citizens through Digital Communications"

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 No Kidding About Bullying

Patricia M Porter- What fuels bullying? Why do kids bully, and how can we help them stop? On this segment we'll be providing answers to these questions along with effective tools you can use at home and in schools.

Find out:

- The difference between conflict and bullying
- The number one reason kids bully
- Other factors that can fuel bullying
- How to help kids manage the anger that can lead to bullying
- How to determine if a child or young adult is bullying

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News, Articles & More

When To Call An Elder Mediator

"It's Changed Who I Am" - Transformative Mediators from the USA and...

FMCS Statement on Mediation Between General Motors & Workers In...

ACR 12th Annual Conference in New Orleans Will Take Place as Schedu...

ACR Annual Conference Mobile App


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