What's Happening in Conflict Resolution [03.17.15]

What's Happening in Conflict Resolution" is a weekly round up of the all the ADR news, jobs, events and more. Check it out each week and view past versions [HERE].

Rebooting Mediation by Detaching from the Illusions of Neutrality, ...

Greg Rooney- Neutrality is physically impossible to attain as a personal attribute for a mediator.

The same applies to the concepts of ‘just outcomes’ and ‘balanced power’. They are all theoretical constructs which do not exist outside of theory.

There is nothing theorists can point to that would indicate to a mediator when these states have been physically achieved. They are subjective concepts subject to infinite variables especially in the context of the fluid art of compromise. They are at most aspirations the degree of success of which can only be assessed after the event has occurred.   

Read more [HERE].

Noam EbnerI’d like to call your attention to a new journal focusing on mediation: Mediation Theory and Practice. This peer-reviewed journal of the UK’s College of Mediators is put out by Equinox Publishing. It is an open-access journal (meaning – that its content will not be restricted behind paywalls). The journal’s head editor is Elizabeth Stokoe, of Loughborough University.

Check out the call for papers for the inaugural volume [HERE].

The Best Dispute Resolution Law Schools

The Werner Institute of Creighton University is #14 on US News and World Reports list of the Nation’s Top Dispute Resolution Programs.

These selections are made by faculty who teach in the field, so it is a particularly meaningful honor.

Check out more info at Indisputably

Want To Improve Your Negotiation Skills? There's An App For That

...With that in mind, Wheeler conceived of a new mobile app, Negotiation 360, which would supplement books and training courses to help people track their own negotiating experience. “A book is very linear,” he says. Negotiation 360, by contrast, “is a template or matrix a user can make his or her own. It becomes their negotiating buddy.”

Moving Divorce out of Court

Minnesota is considering legislation that allows divorcing couples to come to their own agreements without judicial oversight.  You can read more about it here.

Job: Program Specialist (Conflict Resolution)

How to Win at Mediation

NMA’s 2015 Annual Conference

Archive: A Practical Approach to Online Mediation (ADRhub.com Webinar Feb/2015)

Job: Ombudsman at Florida State College at Jacksonville

Views: 81


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