What's Happening In Conflict Resolution [06.02.15]


Empathy, prosocial behaviors and cooperation: can empathy be learned?

By Regina Kim

Empathy, broadly defined as an ability to see the world through others’ eyes, sensing and understanding their thoughts, intentions and feelings in the same way as they do, is an integral part of our lives as we navigate through our social communities.

Because it’s the cornerstone of pro-social behaviors, empathy has been widely studied and research shows that empathy reduces racial bias, discrimination, aggression, and violence.  Given what we know about empathy and its effects on social relationships, can we teach people to be empathic?  The answer is yes, at least for children.

Read more from Columbia University's ICCR blog [here]. 


Request for Initial Proposal Ideas
ACR/JAMS Foundation Partnership
Regular Year One – 2015-2016
ACR is pleased to announce this Request for Initial Proposal Ideas for the 2015 funding cycle of the ACR/JAMS partnership in supporting Conflict Resolution Education.  The mission of the ACR/JAMS partnership is summarized below.
Mission: The population to be served by the funding streams will be (1) youth in preK-12 age range and/or (2) adults working with these youth populations in ways that directly transfer CRE skills for adults to the youth populations.
Read more [HERE].

This year's conference takes place in Reno, Nevada from October 7-10.

  • It will feature more than 75 sessions
  • 120 Speakers
  • More than 400 attendees are expected

[Check more here]

The Texas Conflict Coach® June Radio Programs

The Texas Conflict Coach® Blog Talk Radio program announces our programs for the month of June.

The following episodes will air every Tuesday from 5:00-5:30 pm PST/7:00-7:30 pm CST/

8:00-8:30 pm EST.

To participate, go to the designated link for each program or call-in live at 347-324-3591.

June 2nd:  Families Mean Business

June 9th:  Change the Interaction, Change the Outcome

June 16th:  Senior Mediation and Decision Making

June 23rd: The User-Friendly Divorce


Our guest, Jin Ho Verdonschot from the Netherlands will discuss how one can get their reasonable and fair divorce using online technology throughout the entire dispute resolution process. He will discuss the pros and cons of a virtual mediation experience based on an online divorce project developed in the Netherlands. Dr. Verdonschot will also share how this technology can be used for other types of disputes involving your neighbor, landlord-tenant and employer-employee disputes.

June 30th:  Dying with Dignity


Jacqueline Font-Guzmán will share her latest on-going research on ways to address end of life healthcare disparities through conflict engagement processes such as World Café Dialogues, some of the challenges, and what can you do to improve your and your loved ones quality of end of life care.


ACR Great New York Annual Conference

Families Press for Changes in Policy on Hostages

WASHINGTON — When President Obama met recently with the mother of James Foley, theAmerican hostage beheaded last August by the Islamic State, she said, he told her that freeing her son and the other American hostages held with him had been his top priority.

“With all due respect,” Diane Foley said she answered, “that may have been the intention, but in practice, it certainly wasn’t.”

Mr. Obama, she said, also conceded that his administration had failed her. “That was the least he could do,” Mrs. Foley said in an interview this week. “That was hopeful. I recognize that the administration feels badly it was not handled well and it was not given the priority it should have had.”

American hostages held overseas by terrorists, which will result in several proposed changes to be announced in the next month, said a senior administration official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the review had not been completed.

The review is likely to recommend…
Read more from the NYTimes.com [HERE]. 

Job: Ombuds at World Intellectual Property Organization

NEACR Conference Fri. 6/12: Early Bird Deadline Extended to Fri. 6/5

This topic is so important, I decided to devote three posts to it. How do you overcome resistance to caregiving? Click here for Parts 1 and 2.

  • Explain your needs – You get so wrapped up in the needs of your loved one, remember you have needs to. Gently remind him/her that you worry about their {insert or concern here} and that causes stress for you.  Share how you are impacted, whether it be finances, time etc. Explain how you may both have to compromise on some issues.
  • Pick you battles – This is the same advice that you are given for your kids, co-workers etc. Don’t go to war over the little things. It’s simply not worth the fight. Keep the big picture in perspective. This approach can also give your loved one a feeling that he/she isn’t always ‘losing.’

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