Tammy Lenski- Is it better to start with the biggest issues, then work out the ancillary or other smaller issues? Or will you be better off sorting out a bunch of smaller issues before taking on the big one?
The upside of starting with the biggest issue in conflict resolution is that ancillary issues may no longer matter once the main issue is resolved, or they’ll seem easier to sort out. The downside is that the big issue is often the most difficult and starting there could lead to early frustration and temptation to throw in the towel.
Read more [HERE].
Ron Supancic- The Dance of Opposites, a new book by Dr. Kenneth Cloke, will change your life. You will never view conflict the same way again. If you only read one more book on the theory & practice of Conflict Resolution, make it this one. Dr. Cloke's explorations in mediation, dialogue, and conflict resolution systems are revolutionary.
Dr. Cloke quotes Albert Camus, "The purpose of a writer is to keep civilization from destroying itself." It is clear that his new vision for conflict resolution intends to do just that.
Read more from Mediate.com [HERE].
The world’s best negotiators. This year, PON honored Ambassador Tommy Koh of Singapore as its 2014 “Great Negotiator.” PON has annually granted this award to a range of remarkable men and women such as former Secretary of State James Baker, Lazard CEO Bruce Wasserstein, and U.S. Special Trade Representative Charlene Barshefsky.
Tommy Koh became the youngest ambassador ever appointed to the United Nations and later served as Singapore’s Ambassador to the United States.
Cinnie Noble- As you may know, the phrase driving a wedge between people describes the act of causing people to oppose or turn against one another – to spoil their relationship.
This expression seems to be used when referring to what a third party does that results in a schism between two (or more) others. That is, the two (or more) people may not be in conflict or there may be some tension but they are not necessarily disconnected. However, for some reason the third party attempts to turn one or both against the other.
Reasons that someone may intentionally drive a wedge between others undoubtedly vary
The Texas Conflict Coach® Blog Talk Radio program announces the following episodes in our "Back to School" series in August held every Tuesday night from 5:00-5:30 pm PST/7:00-7:30 pm CST/8:00-8:30 pm EST.
To participate, go to the designated link for each program or call-in live at 347-324-3591.
August 5th: Back to School Strategies for Divorced or Divorcing Parents
August 12th: "Dis-Abling Bullying: When Children with Special Needs are Bullied & What To
Do About It"
August 19th: Student-Athletes In Transition: Secrets to Success
August 26th: Working with and Learning from Conflict in Higher Education
See more and the full schedule [HERE].
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