What's Happening in Conflict Resolution" is a weekly roundup of the all the ADR news, jobs, events and more. Check it out each week and view past versions [HERE].

Weekly Conversation

ADRHub is now hosting a topic for discussion and debate!

Given the nature of this week, the question of the week asks

How and when should conflict specialists contribute to community reconciliation after the 2016 election?

Click HERE to join the conversation!

Click HERE to read Bernie Mayer's most current blog post on the election, What Have We Learned - pre election edition.

Conflict Engagement and ADR in the News

Panel: Restorative justice has a place in the justice system

By  Amy Alonzo (11/07/16. The Winchester Star. Photo from Pixaboy).

Most justice systems focus solely on law and order, but that’s not enough, Carl Stauffer, an associate professor of justice and development studies at Eastern Mennonite University’s Center for Justice and Peacebuilding, said during a Saturday morning presentation at Handley Library.

“That’s important, but we’re saying the circle needs to be broader,” he said, explaining that restorative justice can do that.

“Restorative justice requires a different lens … in how we understand what justice is and how it’s satisfied,” he said. “Restorative justice asks us to stretch some of those understandings a little bit more.”

Restorative justice focuses on the needs of the victims and the offenders. Click HERE to learn more about the potential benefits of restorative justice.


Venezuela: Colombian women contributing to the dialogue for peace

By Yusuf Ibrahim(10/31/16. Jesuit Refugee Service)

Women and girls are among the most vulnerable in Colombia due to widespread violence caused by decades of conflict. Young girls are exposed to armed recruitment, while women often find themselves on their own to sustain a family. With the lack of opportunity, they are likely to fall victim to exploitation, including prostitution and human trafficking. 

Many of them flee to neighbouring countries in search of safety and stability. In Venezuela, JRS works at the border to support these Colombian refugees. 

In Tàchira, Apure and Zulia, JRS brings women together to strengthen their artistic abilities and facilitate in the local integration process. By learning how to make handles, necklaces, earrings, purses, or hammocks, they acquire the tools needed to start businesses and achieve sustainable economic stability.  Click HERE to learn how these skills contribute toward peace and equality. 


What to do about everyday bickering among siblings

By Danielle  (11/07/16. The Charlotte Observer. Image from Pixabay)

Siblings can be the best of friends and the worst of friends.

But more often than not, they're the worst.

On average, siblings ages 2-4 get into arguments once every 9 1/2 minutes, according to a study from the University of Toronto, and siblings make 700 percent more negative and controlling comments to one another than they do to their friends, observational studies found.

Eirene Heidelberger, president and CEO of GITMOM (Get It Together Mom), a full service parent-coaching company, has three boys ages 4, 8 and 12, and she said she knows all about sibling rivalry. 

"Any time you have three, let alone two, things can quickly escalate out of control - you have three individual minds who are reasoning, and you have three agendas," says Heidelberger, whose children tend to argue about personal space and control.

But while it's easy to let things escalate, there are ways to manage the situation once you learn why the sibling rivalry is happening. Find out how to manage sibling rivalry HERE.

Read more here: http://www.charlotteobserver.com/living/health-family/moms/article113081033.html#storylink=cpy

Good Reads: Blogs, Books, and More!

The art of diplomacy and how to do it right

By Sromona Bhattacharya (11/07/16. Your Story. Image from Pixabay)

Many of us think being diplomatic means turning into a people pleaser who does not speak his mind. On the contrary, diplomacy means assessing the situation in its entirety without jumping to conclusions and taking the best possible course of action without hurting the feelings of others. How to be diplomatic? It is indeed an art worth mastering, albeit a difficult one.

While the diplomatic path may be hard to follow, the alternative isn’t so pleasant. Often, being too outspoken without being considerate of others feelings can be looked down upon and you could be labelled as harsh or aggressive. Learn some tips and tricks about the art of diplomacy  HERE.



By Mel and Pearl Shaw(11/06/16. Black Star News)

If you can have the hard conversations you can ultimately make life easier for all parties.

Here's what we’ve learned: taking the time to build trust-based relationships and to have one-on-one conversations can help an organization improve its fundraising. This is the preferred method. These personal conversations can allow for a shared search for solutions. They also allow leaders to ask hard questions of each other in privacy: “Just where are we?” “Are we headed in the right direction?” “What specifically is going as planned?” “Where can we improve?” “Are all team members in sync? Is everyone fulfilling their obligations?” Find out the benefits of honesty and trust, especially when having difficult conversations HERE.


8 Ways You Can (And Should) Explain Privilege To Your Kids

By Fiona Tapp (11/07/16.  Romper.com, image from Pixabay)

 As a culture we're finally starting to recognize and talk honestly about privilege. We're finally speaking out about socio-economic disadvantages based on race, gender, ability, sexuality or identity, and how those of us who have privilege need to be ethical and aware of the challenges we face as a nation. So, it's absolutely vital that we encourage the future generation to think about these issues critically. Thankfully, there are ways you can explain privilege to your kids in age appropriate ways that encourage empathy and self-worth. Learn how you can explain privilege to your children and the benefits of such discussions HERE


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