"What's Happening in Conflict Resolution" is a weekly round up of the all the ADR news, jobs, events and more. Check it out each week and view past versions [HERE].
Noam Ebner- On October 20th I’ll be kicking off a four-week basic course on Negotiation: Navigating Professional and Personal Interactions.
The unique thing about this basic course on negotiation is that it will be offered as a MOOC - a Massive Open Online Course. Got an internet connection, interest in the topic and a dash of motivation? You're in.
Read more [HERE].
Conflict Promotion (not Prevention) On Social Media
Donald Ellis- The media in general, and new media in particular, are increasingly effective tools used by extremist in Syria or ISIS. Even their extraordinary brutality is no match for the skill in which they are using new media to attract new recruits, send propaganda messages, scare the enemy, and promote their goals of a single Muslim state. ISIS is now one of the more sophisticated users of technology and they are intent on strutting their stuff to show the world what they can do. You can read more by Gabriel Wiemann.
Read more [HERE].
Nathalie Al-Zyoud- Mediation is a change process whose impact can be felt at different levels
of society, measured across time and evaluated from different stakeholders' point of view. For this reason mediators should take an expansive view of success, beyond just the signing of an agreement. The indicators described below should be seen as inter-dependent variables that can help demonstrate a measurable impact on the peace process.
Cinnie Noble- Recently on the Conflict Coaching Guild on LinkedIn I asked members if they would share idioms, phrases, metaphors and other expressions on conflict that they like. There are many I had not heard of and one of those is the title of today’s blog – never cut what you can untie.
Patricia M Porter- Nina Meierding has worked with many cultures in her decades of mediation work. She will share concepts such as the different ways of looking at fairness, how cultures respond to conflict and why they have dissimilar desires as to their goals and outcomes, how people express the same emotion in a variety of ways, and why it is a common mistake to "pretend to be in someone else's shoes". This very practical 30 minutes will help you understand some of the diversity across cultures that can create problems and explore positive steps in working through the conflict.
Jobs & More
Ombuds at University of California Office of the President
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