Diane Levin
  • Female
  • Boston, MA
  • United States
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Diane Levin's Friends

  • Gordon Eby
  • Ann L. Begler
  • Kees Wiebering
  • Debra Healy
  • Steven G. Mehta
  • Philip J. Loree Jr.
  • Don Philbin
  • Colm Brannigan
  • Arnold Zeman
  • John Ford
  • Tom A. Kosakowski
  • Amanda Bucklow
  • Victoria Pynchon
  • Charles Thomas Jr.
  • Jeff Thompson

Diane Levin's Page

Profile Information

What is your profession and title?
Mediator, negotiation trainer, attorney, and blogger
What is your ADR experience? (trainings and education)
I've been in the ADR field for more years than I want to count, with hundreds of hours of training and conference workshops under my belt. I mediate; teach people how to mediate, negotiate, or resolve their own disputes; and coach people to help them prepare for negotiations or tough conversations.

I am also active online, publishing the blog Mediation Channel, and serving as web master to the world's only site to track and catalog blogs about ADR, ADRblogs.com. Writing is also my favorite outlet for creative and intellectual expression, and I have written numerous articles on dispute resolution for digital and real-world publications.
What, if any, ADR organizations or groups do you belong to?
ABA Section on Dispute Resolution
What are you hoping to get from ADRhub.com
To connect with folks who are committed to making the world a better place by helping people talk things through.
Do you/your company have a website?
What other ADR related sites do you visit?
You can read the full list here, where I compiled my must-read list of my favorite ADR bloggers:

What else do you want to tell the ADRhub.com community (what you are up to, what you would like to do in ADR, etc.)
The web is wonderful for its ability to knit together communities of like-minded people across the globe. Connecting and sharing ideas is important to me, professionally and personally. Hearing from others is most welcome - it's why I'm here. Thanks to Jeff Thompson for putting this all together - let's him a big round of applause. Yay, Jeff!

Diane Levin's Blog

Buying the cow: mediators, money, and value

Posted on April 29, 2010 at 4:19pm 0 Comments

The following article appeared originally on Mediation Channel.

During the many years now I've been in the mediation field I like to think I've given of my time generously on behalf of our profession.

I've devoted countless unpaid hours to serving on numerous boards and committees to advance the ADR field; organizing numerous conferences and workshops for mediators; volunteering in… Continue

Comment Wall (3 comments)

At 4:54pm on April 29, 2010, Arnold Zeman said…
At 6:16pm on April 29, 2010, Tom A. Kosakowski said…
Thanks for being my first request! I'm off to a very good start.
At 9:02pm on April 29, 2010, Ann L. Begler said…
Diane, thanks for accepting. It's great being in touch with you. I would like to pass your name on to a Pittsburgh colleague who is moving to Boston. He has been my main colleague who has done organizational consulting with me. I'm so sad he is leaving. His wife just got a job with Pathfinders International. They are each fantastic and Robert is originally from MA. He used to be a director in a child services program for the state. He is an attorney, mediator, has done OD work and HR work, internally, very ethical, really works on himself, does non-violent communication, has some cross cultural training and has taught at conflict resolution at Duquesne and Carnegie Mellon here in Pittsburgh. I'm incredibly sad as there really is no one here I trust the way I trust him to do the work and to do his own work, and I adore his wife and all she stands for. So, I'm hoping it's okay if I make a connection for him with you.

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