September 2011 Blog Posts (38)

Is mediation ready for its close-up?

The community mediation field can feel vaguely Benjamin Button-esque -- simultaneously old and young.  While mediation itself has been around in some form since time immemorial, the community mediation movement is only in its 40's.  Which makes us a kid, as far as movements and professions go.  In that sense, maybe we're getting in on the ground floor of the next big thing.


On the…


Added by Brad Heckman on September 29, 2011 at 1:28pm — No Comments

In which I become an astrology columnist for a day.

Well, sort of.  This is my dear friend Kiki T , astrologist (or astrosexologist, as she prefers), who writes relationship-oriented horoscopes for all kinds of publications and was the featured astrologist on the Tyra Banks Show.  With Mercury in Libra, apparently it's a…


Added by Brad Heckman on September 29, 2011 at 8:10am — No Comments

Retired U.S. Magistrate Judge Hon. Frederic N. Smalkin Joins JAMS

JAMS, the largest private provider of mediation and arbitration services worldwide, today announced the addition of Hon. Frederic N. Smalkin (Ret.) to its panel. Judge Smalkin will be based in the JAMS Greenbelt Resolution Center. He will serve as an arbitrator, mediator and special master for disputes in a variety of areas including Admiralty, Antitrust, Aviation, Banking, Business/Commercial, Construction, Employment, Environmental, Healthcare, Insurance, Intellectual Property, Personal…


Added by Lisa Altman on September 27, 2011 at 10:48am — No Comments

Retired Washington State Commissioner Eric B. Watness Joins JAMS

JAMS, the largest private provider of mediation and arbitration services worldwide, today announced the addition of Commissioner Eric B. Watness to its panel. Commissioner Watness will be based in the JAMS Seattle Resolution Center. He will serve as an arbitrator, mediator and special master for disputes in a variety of areas including Business/Commercial, Construction Defect, Education/Schools, Estate/Probate/Trusts, Family Law, Government/Public Agency, Personal Injury/Torts and Tribal…


Added by Kevin Aschenbrenner on September 26, 2011 at 12:01pm — No Comments

Many Cups of Tea in Glasgow

There is a famous book titled “Three Cups of Tea” and it tells the story of an American man and his many journeys to Pakistan to build schools for children.  The tea reference is to the custom of having tea while communicating with others.  This occurred during lively discussions, friendly and informal talks, and during negotiations for him through the book.

The book specifically refers to the American coming to the…


Added by Jeff Thompson on September 24, 2011 at 5:43am — No Comments

JAMS International Strengthens Its Position as Global ADR Leader, Launches More Than 40 New Panelists

JAMS International, the European arm of JAMS, the world’s largest private provider of mediation and arbitration services, announced today that it launched more than 40 mediators and arbitrators as part of its European panel. The launch of the panel, which brings together some of the most seasoned Alternative Dispute Resolution specialists in the world, cements JAMS International’s growing presence in the global ADR community.


JAMS International provides a valuable option…


Added by Kevin Aschenbrenner on September 23, 2011 at 11:47am — No Comments

Help us build online markets in Haiti for their musicians - Please help today!!


Internet Bar Organization's PeaceTones project is launching Wanito's debut album in another few weeks.  We are pre-selling the album and other cool merchandise using a Kickstarter platform. We have 4 days to go and need your help!!

Added by Jeff Aresty on September 23, 2011 at 9:41am — No Comments

'Zero Tolerance' of bullies? Hungary's schools offer an alternative response to conflict management

As school boards, state and local governments draft legislation to respond to increased reports of bullying, the term “zero tolerance” often comes up. When New Jersey recently implemented its sweeping “Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights,” the “zero tolerance” formula appeared in several news reports.

I posed a question to a restorative justice…


Added by Ken Kimsey on September 22, 2011 at 2:23pm — 1 Comment

Retired District Appellate Court Justice Hon. Rick Sims Joins JAMS

JAMS, the largest private provider of mediation and arbitration services worldwide, today announced the addition of Hon. Rick Sims (Ret.) to its panel. Justice Sims will be based in the JAMS Sacramento Resolution Center. He will serve as an arbitrator, mediator and special master for disputes in a variety of areas including Administrative Law, Appellate, Business/Commercial, Class Action/Mass Tort, Civil Rights, Construction, Employment, Engineering and Construction, Government/Public…


Added by Lisa Altman on September 21, 2011 at 11:43am — No Comments

Beyond Fight or Flight - Making Different Choices to How We Approach Conflict

You've heard it before...instinctively, when anyone feels threatened our brain kicks into gear with a fight or flight response. We either stand up and fight to protect ourselves, or we run away from the threat. It is biologically part of who we are as humans. There are other choices we can make when we feel threatened in a confrontation. Choices and different behavioral… Continue

Added by Patricia M Porter on September 20, 2011 at 10:30pm — No Comments

Body Language of International Negotiations

(Originally published at &

I came across the following article recently which explored the use of body language in a…


Added by Jeff Thompson on September 20, 2011 at 8:00am — No Comments

Whats's Happening 09.20.11

Coming Face To Face With Emotion Behind Office Conflict

Restorative justice has found favour in the workplace, writes Kelly Burke.

Bullying, violence, greed, sexual…


Added by - Creighton NCR on September 20, 2011 at 2:00am — No Comments

Incunabula: The Dawn of Printed Books


Added by Werner Institute Blog on September 19, 2011 at 5:00am — No Comments

Glasgow 2011: Interfaith Engagement

As this is posted, I should be just about to land in Glasgow, Scotland.  I am once again fortunate enough to be part of an interfaith delegation trip sponsored by the Interfaith Center of New York who’s purpose is to bring interfaith leaders from Glasgow, Barcelona, and New York City during a 3 year-3 city tour to share their ideas, best practices and explore ways…


Added by Jeff Thompson on September 17, 2011 at 8:00am — No Comments

Join Me: Sept. 19, 6-8pm

Hello Everyone!

Just a quick message for my friends in Scotland and the rest of the UK that I will be giving a talk at Strathclyde University titled:

The Science & Art of Nonverbal Communication: What Mediators Need To Know…


Added by Jeff Thompson on September 16, 2011 at 7:44am — No Comments

Rapport Wasn't built in a day

(Originally posted at Absolution Mediation got me, the saying is actually "Rome wasn't built in a day" so I changed it to something more relevant; "Rapport wasn't built in a day."  Right? Well, here's the thing...I don't really believe that either... Rapport can be built with someone within the first 5 minutes (Not a scientific fact...but something that I know). So I…


Added by Jason Dykstra on September 14, 2011 at 9:28am — No Comments


On   December 1ST,   2011 will be held the 1st Regional Conference on Conflict Resolution & New Technologies  Organized by Tres de Febrero National University  Argentina , with ODR Latinamerica support.


It ´ll be developed  from 10 to 17hs  in Borges Cultural Center of the City of Buenos Aires Argentina- Room 2 Bioy Casares.


The event…

Added by Alberto Elisavetsky on September 14, 2011 at 8:33am — No Comments

In Bulgaria with Led Zeppelin, feral dogs, and wrestling thugs.

In the late '90s, I went to Bulgaria to set up a conflict resolution center for Partners for Democratic Change.  Here are some highlights of the junket:


-- Led Zeppelin was on tour in Eastern Europe, and Robert Plant and Jimmy Page were staying in the same hotel as me.  I spent an awkward hour sitting with them in the lobby. The hotel was…


Added by Brad Heckman on September 14, 2011 at 7:56am — No Comments

The Science and Fun of Nonverbal Communication Blog Talk Radio

 Body Language and gestures are fun to talk about yet also have a significant impact during our interactions with others. As conflict and communication specialists, it is important for us to be aware of our nonverbal cues as well as those used by others. This includes negotiation and mediations sessions and the work of ombuds and conflict coaches. Jeff Thompson will share important information based on research (his and others) and offer it in a way you can apply it to… Continue

Added by Patricia M Porter on September 13, 2011 at 9:51pm — No Comments

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