Hello Everyone,
I am in the midst of looking for a career change and if anyone hears of any job opportunities in Omaha, Nebraska specifically within the healthcare field of dispute resolution, since that is my concentration area, please let me know. In addition, if other areas of dispute resolution opportunites in Omaha arise, I am flexible enough to consider them as well. I am definitely looking to relocate to Omaha.
Thank you and everyone take care.
Kipp McKenzie
Added by Kipp McKenzie on June 29, 2010 at 6:30pm —
In the first six months of the year, 20 entities announced the creation of new ombuds programs, either by the appointment of the first ombudsperson or the opening of a search. These new programs reflect the growing acceptance of institutional ADR programs.
Added by Tom A. Kosakowski on June 29, 2010 at 6:00am —
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Several organizations are hiring ombuds. Currently open searched include:
Added by Tom A. Kosakowski on June 28, 2010 at 2:34pm —
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This story seems interesting but is it very short and leaves me with some questions. From the…
Added by Jeff Thompson on June 28, 2010 at 12:30pm —
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New Cyberbullying law in Victoria, Australia aims to increase mediation
More than 600 people have this year sought orders at the Children's Court against children including… Continue
Added by Jeff Thompson on June 27, 2010 at 8:07pm —
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(originally posted at www.EnjoyMediation.com)
Here's one (of 13) questions Joe Strupp, of www.MediaMatters.org, asked the newly appointed New York Times Ombudsman, Arthur S. Brisbane:…
Added by Jeff Thompson on June 25, 2010 at 3:51pm —
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(Originally posted on www.collaborativejourneys.com)From
my feeds (RSS, Twitter…), I’ve recently come across some interesting goings on in the world of conflict/dispute resolution. And as much of it jives with my own experience and take on resolving conflicts,… Continue
Added by Ben Ziegler on June 24, 2010 at 3:05pm —
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tricycle, the Buddhist Review, introduced a new feature, "Dear Abbey Dharma", in its Spring 2010 issue to offer advice to readers' toughest Dhamma questions. The column is authored by… Continue
Added by Arnold Zeman on June 24, 2010 at 11:19am —
1 Comment
(Originally posted in www.thebusinessmediator.blogspot.com)
recently watched Bill Clinton's 2007 acceptance speech for the TED Prize on the rebuilding of Rwanda. In it, he set the stage for his vision byarticulating three brutal facts: the world we live is unequal, unstable… Continue
Added by Susan M Diehl on June 23, 2010 at 2:11pm —
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For those who found the Washington Post article by Mr. Hager suggestingmediation be used for Congress, Robert E. Honig sent this letter to the editor:
L. Michael Hager's suggestion ["How to end gridlock: Mediation… Continue
Added by Jeff Thompson on June 21, 2010 at 9:09pm —
1 Comment
(Originally posted at www.EnjoyMediation.com)
Don't let the first sentence of the story fool you into thinking it's another fluffy conflict resolution article because it is not. It's actually full of some great quotes and information from Richard Rubenstein, from the Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution at George…
Added by Jeff Thompson on June 21, 2010 at 9:00pm —
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BETWEEN COP AND font-family:"Arial…
Added by Christopher C. Cooper on June 19, 2010 at 1:30pm —
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A recent article in the Chronicle of Higher Education caused some consternation among Organizational Ombuds, especially those on college campuses. The piece acknowledged a problem Ombuds know well: "College faculty members who are bullied or abused by coworkers often feel they must either suffer through it or quit." Indeed, the annual conference of the American Association of University Professors featured three sessions devoted to the problem of faculty bullying. What piqued Ombuds was the…
Added by Tom A. Kosakowski on June 18, 2010 at 1:25pm —
1 Comment
In today's Washington Post, L. Michael Hager writes about the ever present disfunction of Congress and it it could help if it had a service where a third party neutral helps each party identify the issues and then explore possible solutions which meet, at least partially, each of their needs. He or she helps them make their own decision to determine what…
Added by Jeff Thompson on June 18, 2010 at 6:30am —
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Previously Published on
Mediation Matters
By Steven G. Mehta
Why is it that at the end of the day, it is easier for you to snap at your spouse than the beginning? Why do telemarketers advertise late at night, when you are tired? Why is it hard to get out of the rut and change your routine? The answer is that you…
Added by Steven G. Mehta on June 10, 2010 at 12:30pm —
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Added by Jeff Thompson on June 10, 2010 at 7:00am —
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If you try one thing this week, you should try active listening. Or as on instructor I’ve had calls, “deep listening.” I’m not quite sure which term I prefer yet.…
Added by Jason Dykstra on June 8, 2010 at 11:00pm —
1 Comment
Previously Posted on Mediation Matters
By Steven G. Mehta
One of the most common things that people say when trying to understand how an action might affect another person is to say, “put yourself in the other person's shoes.” Recent research, however,… Continue
Added by Steven G. Mehta on June 8, 2010 at 2:00pm —
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(Originally posted at www.EnjoyMediation.com)

I came across this article whle looking up mediation news in Australia and thought some would find it interesting. See my comments below:
A study by Griffith University into franchise conflict has…
Added by Jeff Thompson on June 6, 2010 at 10:01pm —
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Originally posted at www.thebusinessmediator.blogspot.com
I just read an article by European
researchers who set out a model for creating an environment that is
inclusive in nature for all people. The authors frame their work in
terms of an ethical challenge, rather than cost avoidance or… Continue
Added by Susan M Diehl on June 4, 2010 at 4:01pm —
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