January 2013 Blog Posts (35)

Internship Opportunity at Office of the United Nations Ombudsman and Mediation

The Office of the United Nations Ombudsman and Mediation Services is offering a full-time, unpaid internship in its New York offices in the summer of 2013.  The position lasts two to four months and offers the chance to support the office in several areas, including: mediation services; identification of systemic issues; outreach and advocacy; and preparing data and reports.  Applicants must be enrolled in a graduate degree program and be computer literate in standard software…

Added by Tom A. Kosakowski on January 31, 2013 at 8:30pm — No Comments

Internship Opportunity With USOC Athlete Ombudsman

The U.S. Olympic Committee Athlete Ombudsman Office in Colorado Springs is seeking an intern to work on elite athlete education and the resolution of athlete disputes within the Olympic family. In addition to responding to athlete inquires and providing independent advice, the intern will also develop and assemble an athlete rights handbook. The internship pays $9.00 per hour and is open to students in law school or a graduate program in sports administration or mediation. (…


Added by Tom A. Kosakowski on January 31, 2013 at 10:46am — No Comments

International Ombudsman Association Seeks Submissions for Writing Contest

The professional association for Organizational Ombuds has announced the details of its 2013 writing competition.  Anyone who has not worked as an Ombuds is eligible to enter and topics may anything relevant to the Organizational Ombuds profession. The author of the winning article will receive a cash prize of $1,500 and will be invited to the IOA Annual Conference in April 2014 to receive the award. The winning article may also be published in the Journal of the IOA.

The format has…


Added by Tom A. Kosakowski on January 31, 2013 at 10:37am — No Comments


Some research on the expression “mending fences” indicates that the derivation is from the proverb “Good fences make good neighbours”. It is apparently listed by the Oxford Dictionary of Quotations as a mid-17th century idiom. My source states that Robert Frost gave the proverb a boost in his 1914 poem “Mending Walls” when he used the above expression to essentially mean rebuilding previously good relationships. There was a slight…


Added by Cinnie Noble on January 31, 2013 at 5:00am — No Comments

See Video of a Transformative Mediation

Virtual Mediation Lab (VML) helps mediators practice their craft.  I recently had the pleasure of conducting a mediation by Skype with the help of Giuseppe Leone and his VML.   You can read about it and see the video here.

Added by ISCT by Dan Simon on January 30, 2013 at 12:47pm — No Comments

Banging the Drums of Peace - Israel-Style

This piece started out as a Facebook status, trying to explain the Israeli elections to interested folks-at-a-distance. There is a "you had to be there" quality to really understanding the outcomes of the election - as there usually is;  Israeli politics might seem to be one thing on the outside, but rarely deliver those goods in practice.


Given that I've already blogged on that point before (…


Added by Noam Ebner on January 30, 2013 at 1:29am — No Comments

“The Texas Conflict Coach® Radio Blog Program” February Series

The Texas Conflict Coach® Blog Talk Radio program announces “Your Brain on Conflict” Series starting in the month of February, held every Tuesday night from 7:00-7:30 pm CST/8:00-8:30 pm EST.


To participate, either go to the designated link for each program or call-in

live at 347-324-3591.


February 5th:   Your Brain on Conflict: “Resistance is Fertile”

                          Guest:  Scott Rogers…


Added by Patricia M Porter on January 28, 2013 at 11:12pm — No Comments

What's Happening [01.29.13]

 Playing to learn?

Noam Ebner- Simulation-games? Not as simple as you thought. If you teach mediation, negotiation or other related topics, you’re going to want to read this.…


Added by ADRhub.com - Creighton NCR on January 28, 2013 at 3:30pm — No Comments

Edinburgh: Conflict Resolution Capital... of the World?

It was very interesting to see Edinburgh, Scotland is trying to market itself as the global location for people to visit to resolve their conflicts.  Sure, one might think of New York City, Paris, or Geneva, but why not?

from the article:

KEY players from opposing sides in conflicts around the world would be brought together in Edinburgh under a plan to make the Capital a location of choice for peace talks.

The plans have been compared to the…


Added by Jeff Thompson on January 28, 2013 at 1:49pm — No Comments

Arizona Ombuds to Gather for Winter 2013 Conference

The Arizona Winter Ombudsman Conference is slated for Thursday, January 31, 2013, from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm.  Salt River Project (SRP) Consumer Affairs is hosting the conference, which will be held at SRP Headquarters in Tempe.  Lunch will be provided by SRP and an agenda will follow.  The featured topic is, “Tips for dealing with people in crisis who are behaving irrationally.”

Arizona Ombuds of all types informally meet on a quarterly basis to network and share information about…

Added by Tom A. Kosakowski on January 28, 2013 at 11:30am — No Comments


The metaphor of an iceberg has commonly been used as a metaphor about conflict. This is on the basis that there are things above the surface that show themselves and then, there is all that is going on underneath. Compared to conflict, some things are obvious to the disputants (and often others) that reflect the dynamic between them, the issues in dispute, and other aspects of the existing dissension. These are above the water ‘line’.

Below the water line is much more. There are…


Added by Cinnie Noble on January 24, 2013 at 7:59am — No Comments

Playing to learn?

 Simulation-games? Not as simple as you thought. If you teach mediation, negotiation or other related topics, you’re going to want to read this.


Sometimes, conducting research leads you to…


Added by Noam Ebner on January 23, 2013 at 5:00am — No Comments

"The Choreography of Resolution: Conflict, Movement and Neuroscience."



Creativity, culture and collaboration are themes that run through Michelle LeBaron's work. She is an internationally renowned scholar/practitioner, currently serving as a professor of law and Director of Dispute Resolution at the University of British Columbia. Previously, she was a tenured professor of conflict analysis and resolution and women's…


Added by Patricia M Porter on January 22, 2013 at 10:01pm — No Comments


I smile when I hear the expression “Don’t get your panties in a knot” and another variation like “Don’t get your knickers in a knot”. My brief research to discover the meaning yielded only that it originated from “some silliness” on The Basil Brush Show – a British television program in the 60’s. The general meaning appears to be about telling people to not get excited or upset by something. It is common when some people are in…


Added by Cinnie Noble on January 17, 2013 at 5:30am — No Comments

ODR book awarded CPR Annual Book Award


Added by Noam Ebner on January 16, 2013 at 2:46pm — No Comments

Building Peace Through Religion

Often times religion has been cited as a cause of violence. More and more scholars are exploring religion's potential for peace. In her new book, Civil Society in Malerkotla, Punjab: Fostering Resilience through Religion, Bhangoo looks at a diverse…


Added by Patricia M Porter on January 15, 2013 at 10:24pm — No Comments

How do we know if they're dogs? Bryan Farkas' “Old problem, new medium: Deception in computer-facilitated negotiation and dispute resolution”


How can we assess with any accuracy whether someone is lying to us through online communication media? And - what can we do to prevent it? This article spotlights an issue that anybody practicing ODR needs to consider.


The concept of interparty trust has often been raised with regards to ODR. This topic has been a central discussion forum in Cyberweek for the past several years, and is the topic of many articles on ODR.

The perspective taken has usually…


Added by Noam Ebner on January 14, 2013 at 9:00am — 3 Comments

Workplace Bullying Transformed!

Guest blogger, John Peter Weldon, describes efforts in Canada to change the approach that employers use to deal with workplace bullying.  Interest is growing in the idea of offering parties the opportunity to experience transformative mediation, rather than the less effective, traditional, adversarial approach.  You can read the article here.

Added by ISCT by Dan Simon on January 12, 2013 at 7:35pm — No Comments

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