January 2012 Blog Posts (44)

This Week in African Conflict... January 23rd-31st, 2012.

  • The African Union summit in Addis Ababa ended in deadlock after the group failed to chose a new chairman for the executive commission. A new election was then scheduled to be held in June or July, though they managed to elect President Boni Yayi of Benin as the new…

Added by Rebecca Sargent on January 31, 2012 at 9:19pm — No Comments

Won't Leak In Flight!

Won't Leak in Flight!

Hire Me: I’m Really Good at Summarizing
What are the odds of me being hired if this was my big selling point as a professional mediator?  Think about it, you really do want to be a good summarizer, right?
Of course this is absurd to think this would be a top selling point when promoting…

Added by Jeff Thompson on January 31, 2012 at 7:00am — No Comments

This Week in the World of Conflict… January 22nd- 30th, 2012.

  • A new UN report warns that there soon won’t be enough food, water or energy to meet the needs of a rapidly growing population. The world will reportedly need at least 50% more food, 45% more energy and 30% more water.
  • The Fellowship of Reconciliation and Uniting for Peace…

Added by Rebecca Sargent on January 30, 2012 at 9:01pm — No Comments


The proverbial elephant that appears in the room when we are in conflict isn’t always as big as an elephant. It may be more like a mouse. However, a mouse is no less problematic when it scurries around and inserts itself in small places, like the crevices of our hearts and brains.


Elephants and mice represent the unspoken hurts or words. They are what is going on between disputing people that isn’t being said. They are the lingering doubts and the niggling feelings. They are…


Added by Cinnie Noble on January 30, 2012 at 5:00am — No Comments

Transformative Mediation Settles Cases

There is a misperception that transformative mediation doesn’t settle cases as often as other mediation approaches do. That misperception arises because of the tendency of transformative mediators to focus on benefits other than settlement, and because of the lack of research that shows the settlement rates of other approaches.

Transformative mediation’s success has indeed been based largely on factors besides settlement rates. The US Postal Service (which has the world’s largest…


Added by ISCT by Dan Simon on January 29, 2012 at 9:16pm — 2 Comments

How dark is it on the dark side? The environmental downside of using technology for mediation

Originally posted on the BC Distance Family Mediation Blog

Today, we warmly welcome Colleen Getz — evaluator for the previous phase of our…


Added by Susanna Jani on January 26, 2012 at 5:01pm — 1 Comment

Get Certified While Improving Your Skills?

The ISCT offers the most meaningful mediator certification there is. The following article was written by Jim Antes, who helped develop the assessment process and who wrote Chapter 4 in Transformative Mediation: A Sourcebook “Assessing Transformative Practice: Methods and Approaches”. Here he explains how the process, in addition to ensuring that only highly skilled mediators are certified, enhances the…


Added by ISCT by Dan Simon on January 26, 2012 at 1:08pm — 1 Comment

International Ombudsman Association Posts Agenda for 2012 Annual Conference

Registration is now open for the Seventh Annual Conference of the International Ombudsman Association on April 13–18, 2012 at the Hyatt Regency in Houston, Texas. Special pricing is being offered for attendees who also register for Ombuds 101. Priority registration closes on March 23. IOA has also posted an expected agenda for the conference.…


Added by Tom A. Kosakowski on January 26, 2012 at 1:00pm — No Comments

Presiding Judge J.D. Smith (Ret.) of the Georgia Court of Appeals Joins JAMS

JAMS, the largest private provider of mediation and arbitration services worldwide, today announced the addition of Hon. J.D. Smith (Ret.) to its panel. Judge Smith will be based in the JAMS Atlanta Resolution Center. He will serve as an arbitrator, mediator and special master for disputes in a variety of areas including Administrative Law, Appellate, Employment, Insurance, Personal Injury/Torts, Professional Liability and Real Property.


Judge Smith served in the Georgia…


Added by Lisa Altman on January 26, 2012 at 11:33am — No Comments


What happens to many of us in the heat of an argument, is that we don’t consider the aftermath. One of the consequences of our actions and words or those of the other person is that we cannot easily undo what hurt we experience or caused. Emotions can linger and the pieces that are not reconciled, end up being the remnants in which we clothe our next dispute.


Thinking before we speak is sage advice that is likely said more than it is practiced. If more of us caught ourselves…


Added by Cinnie Noble on January 26, 2012 at 5:00am — No Comments

Stories for Hope: The Next Generation in Post-Conflict Rawanda Seeks to Break the Silence

Listen NOW by hitting the player at the bottom of this page.

For over two years, my non-profit has trained counselors in Rwanda in narrative psychology, for the sake of Rwanda's newest generation. So far we have collected and publicly archived 100 intergenerational dialogues between young adults and their elders, and our evaluations suggest this has been very…


Added by Patricia M Porter on January 25, 2012 at 12:40pm — No Comments

Grace Under Pressure

Like many fathers 'raising' a teenage daughter in the new millenium, I find that I remember by heart an improbable number of lines from book series such as Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, or the Twilight saga, even though I find myself unable to recall other little facts and details, such as the precise names and order of birth of my own children, at least not all at the same time.…


Added by Noam Ebner on January 24, 2012 at 1:56pm — 2 Comments

Why it's a bad idea for mediators to give advice

(originally published at dialogicmediation.com)

Distinguished educator and mediator, Tammy Lenski, is celebrating the tenth anniversary of her blog, Conflict Zen.  As part of that celebration, she wants to highlight some of her favourite…


Added by Arnold Zeman on January 24, 2012 at 11:39am — No Comments

Mediator – Know Thyself! (Part II)

Originally published on the BC Distance Family Mediation blog


In last week's post,…


Added by Susanna Jani on January 23, 2012 at 7:31pm — No Comments

Mediator – Know Thyself! (Part I)

Originally posted on the BC Distance Family Mediation blog

Today's post is the first in a two-part series on mediator competence and self-awareness. It is our good fortune to have guest blogger,…


Added by Susanna Jani on January 23, 2012 at 4:04pm — No Comments

Massachusetts Superior Court Judge Hon. John C. Cratsley (Ret.) Joins JAMS

Massachusetts Superior Court Judge Hon. John C. Cratsley (Ret.) Joins JAMS


January 23, 2012


Boston – JAMS, the largest private provider of mediation and arbitration services worldwide, today announced the addition of Hon. John C. Cratsley (Ret.) to its panel. Judge Cratsley will be based in the JAMS Boston Resolution Center. He will serve as an arbitrator, mediator and special master for disputes in a variety of areas including…


Added by Kevin Aschenbrenner on January 23, 2012 at 11:31am — No Comments


The expression thinking ‘outside of the box’ typically relates to being creative about ideas – like stepping outside of enclosed lines that constrain thinking. When the concept comes up in the conflict management context, it occurs when people in dispute are contemplating the options available to them regarding their opposing views. The ‘out of the box’ notion is meant to help disputants get away from steadfastly held positions and consider what other solutions may be mutually…


Added by Cinnie Noble on January 23, 2012 at 5:00am — 2 Comments

Appreciative Inquiry as a Dispute Resolution Strategy


Appreciative inquiry as a dispute resolution…


Added by Werner Institute Blog on January 23, 2012 at 5:00am — 2 Comments

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